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The awkward tensions of the night didn't end there, oh no. In fact, they got worse. And I'm talking like, the kind of awkward that makes you wanna tear the other persons hair out.

I was currently organizing utensils, while the boys dried dishes off, shooting daggers into each others souls. If it wasn't for the rich smell of gravy blessing my sense of smell, I would've been up and out of here an hour ago.

Anna and my dad kinda just disappeared, working on other preparations. Probably didn't want to be mixed up in whatever they though was going on in this god forsaken love triangle.

I couldn't bare the uncomfortable silence any longer so I decided to just run up to my room, and take a breather.
I walked out of the kitchen, feeling both of their gazes planted on my back. As soon as I reached the stairs I made a run for it and slammed the door unintentionally, behind me.

I heard mumbles of deep voices from beneath the floors of my room, since my room was directly above the kitchen. It made good use for when there was family gossip I wasn't allowed to be part of, when I was younger.

"You're such a prick." I heard Jax say. I could already imagine what Luca's face looked like, and mentally laughed at the image of a "couldn't-care-less" Luca. They went back and forth with little breaks, insulting each other over.. well over me.

Luca and Jax... were fighting over me. Holy shit. I knew deep down I had feelings for Luca but I didn't ever plan on them coming between Jax and I. I fell back on my bed, and stared at the glow in the dark star lights. I stayed listening to all the assumptions Jax had to say about Luca and Vice versa, until they just suspiciously stopped.

"Thank god." I sighed, picking at the red nail polish on my thumb.

"You've been awfully helpful today." I shot up, startled by his sarcastic remark. I glared at him, and he seemed to think it was funny. This man was really getting on my last nerve.

"What do you want?" I asked, already annoyed at what he could possibly say next.

"You." He coldly stated, staring deep into my eyes. Wow, only Luca Trentino could make such a slick move sound like your death wish. I got up and walked over to him... and hit his chest. He didn't even flinch as suspected.

"What is wrong you?!" My voice cracked, at the worst possible time making his grin slightly. "Stop laughing, just stop you're stupid smirking and god awful body language! I- I hate it!" I shrieked, clutching my fists at my side. "I'm so sick of your interference in my relationship with Jax," For some reason I noticed myself start to cry.

Jesus, Natalie, why are you crying?! I thought to myself. Maybe it was all of the emotions building up over time, my unsure feelings about everything, I don't know.

Hey suddenly put a hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off. "Don't touch me." I scowled, making him clench his jaw.

"I didn't intend on hurting you, but I don't back down from something I want." He said, blandly looking down at me.

"Well you did, Luca. I don't get it!" I threw my hands up in defeat. "You knew really he liked me and you had to go-"

Before I knew it Luca's lips were on mine. I stood there shocked at what just happened. He noticed I wasn't responding to his action, so he decided to kiss me harder. My hands went up to cup his face while his were on my lower back. "Mmm" I moaned into the kiss, and pulling his face away abruptly.

"Luca!" I exclaimed, bringing my fingers up to my lips. He shook his head and I couldn't quite read his expression.
"Yeah he liked you, but you're just playing him." He answered back, with an unreadable expression playing on his face.

A knock at my door brought me back to life, when I saw Jax standing there looking betrayed as ever. "Anna told me to call you down, the guests are arriving." He explained, his voice hurt.

Luca took that as his cue to slip out, leaving me red and embarrassed. "Please, Jax." I grabbed onto his wrist softly, as he tried leaving the room.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Nat. I know the way he looks at you." He began, wiping his face with his hands. "It was obvious he had his intentions set out for you that day at the warehouse." I plopped down at the edge of my bed, and Jax stood leaning on the doorframe. "I can se the way he looks at you."

"I'm sorry." Was all I could stammer out. I felt like such an asshole.

"Yeah." He exhaled, looking ahead at my headboard. "I knew we weren't gonna work out but hey, we had fun." He laughed monotonously.

"I'm such an Idiot." I sighed loudly, throwing my head in my hands.

"No, listen if anything it's a wake up call for me, I've been needing a good getaway." He assured me. I looked up and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"You're leaving?" I asked, confused.

"I planned to transfer to the Serpents base in California. It was just a matter of time before I actually did." He explained. Jax was gonna leave anyway?

"Oh." I answered. "Where does that leave us?" He walked over and helped me stand up. I took his hand and walked forward from my bed.

"To find our own happiness." He smiled, lightly. I smiled back and pulled him in for a hug.

"I can drink to that." I laughed into his shirt. He pulled away and raised his eyebrow at me.

"I don't think I've ever seen you drink before." He grinned.

"I've just always wanted to say that." I replied honestly, giggling. He kissed my cheek and we made our way downstairs to greet the dinner guests.

That was probably the "best" breakup I ever had..
What the hell just happened?

Luca and Natalie finally kissed, and it only took 22 chapters to get there.
Now the real adventures begin....
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