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"Thanks for driving me back." I smiled at Jax, who was sitting in the drivers seat. We were parked outside my house finally, after a long couple of hours at the hospital.

"There was no way in hell I was letting you take an Uber." He scoffed. "Anyway, besides the whole fire, I had a good time at the restaurant." He reminisced. Jax was a nice guy and I could see us getting closer over time.

"Do you wanna come in for a bit?" I asked, putting my purse in my lap.

"I have to get back to the hospital to see Luca. And I'm pretty sure your dad will kill me if I go in. He was shooting daggers when I came over to tell them what happened." He explained, chuckling slightly.

"I'll see you soon then." I sighed, about to open the door when he grabbed my arm softly. "What?"

"You almost forgot this..." before I could answer his lips were on mine. It was quick, but he kissed me like my lips were air, leaving us both breathless.

I pulled away and pecked him once more before opening the car door.

"Bye Jax." I smiled waving, as I climbed out of his car.

"Bye Nat!" He called, driving off down the street.

I walked up to my front door, and unlocked it. Stepping inside the smell of warm cinnamon invaded my nose, bringing me immediate confront.

"Oh Natalie!" Anna ran over and pulled me in to embrace me. "Jax told us what happen!" She said, into my hair.

"I'm sorry Ann, I was going to call you but everything happened so fast." I explained, as we walked into the kitchen together.

"As long as you're okay now." My dad said walking into the kitchen from around the corner. "How's your foot?"

I sat on a bar stool and placed my hands on the counter in front of me. "It's healing." I answered putting my head down on my hands. "I think I'm gonna go sleep for a bit." I said, getting up again.

"Alright monkey." My dad smiled, kissing the top of my head.

"See ya later." Anna said, as I walked off to my room.


I walked into school, wearing the same hoodie Jax gave me. I made sure to wash it once more before wearing it again, so I didn't smell of hospital. Even after being in a wash cycle, it still smelled of his cologne which I loved.

Making my way over to my locker, I noticed Sasha standing there tapping away at her phone. I decided to ignore her as I approached it and began to put in my combination.

"Please talk to me Nat." She insisted, moving closer. "You can't ignore me forever."

It was true. All weekend she was texting me, trying to get a hold of me but didn't once bother to call. After my quick intermission at the hospital about apologizing to her, I later realized it wasn't worth it. "There's nothing to talk about." I answered, coldly. "You don't get to throw me under the bus, and expect me to move on in a second." I snarled.

Her face dropped lower than my math grades at my remark. "But- why can't we put our differences aside?" She went again. I wasn't in any mood to start with her excuses again. It was not worth my time.

"I said no, Sasha." I said, closing my locker and turning to face her.

"Why? Do you think you're better than me all of the sudden?" She snapped, pushing my shoulder. I wasn't aware what she was going through, but I sure as hell was not about to include myself in it.

"Isn't it the other way around Sash?" I threw her hand off of me with an attitude. "You think it's some sort of blessing to know Addison and her minions!" I said a little louder than anticipated.

"What happen to my Natalie? Huh?" She pushed my shoulder again, making me stumble back again. "Since when are you so stuck up?!"

Then the unexpected happened. Luca's voice sounded from next to me, drawing Sashas face Pale. "Didn't she tell you to leave her alone?" His voice alone, was enough to step back and get all stammered.

"I- I need to go." She ran off into the bathroom, looking like she was gonna cry. I turned around absolutely stunned to see Luca in all his glory interacting with me during school.

"Uh- shouldn't you be in the hospital." I gasped, looking for any signs of pain. The guy was shot twice in the gut on Saturday night, and was back in school Monday morning.
Talk about commitment.

"I'm fine." He spoke. Back to one word answers are we?
I guess that's the Luca we all know and love. Not that I love him, let's not get so far. I awkwardly nodded, unsure what to do next.

"You really shouldn't be here." I began saying again. He rolled his eyes for the millionth time and stared back at me, knowing what I was gonna say next. "You just got shot 2 days ago." I whispered.

People around us were gasping and talking, about how he was interacting with me of all people. I saw Addison approaching, steam coming out out of her ears. Oh lord, here we go.

"You little skank!" She shrieked. Luca backed away as she approached.

"Fucking Christ." He muttered, hearing her voice. At least him and I could agree on one thing; Addison.

"What do you want, Addison." I asked, annoyed. Might as well just hear her out, my day wasn't getting any better.

"First, you cause a scene with Sasha because you're jealous of our friendship." She began, poking me in the chest. "And then, you go after Luca, when I have specifically told you not to. You're such a whore!" She exclaimed, causing everyone's heads to turn and look at us if they weren't staring already.

"If any of you low life imbeciles, touch her one more time, so help me god it'll be the last thing you ever do." Luca barked, flicking her hand away from me. Tears began forming at the corner of Addisons almond orbs, causing her to flip on her heel and run off down the hallway. Her minions; Chelsea and Colette ran after trying to comfort the queen bee herself, as I stood their unable to speak.

Was I dreaming right now, or did Luca just stick up for me?
I didn't even know what to say. "Wh-"

"I need a Xanny." He walked off, rubbing his temples.

After all this, I might need one too.

What do you think of Luca's weird behavior?
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