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*Picture above is Natalie's house.*

Luca finally arrived home from dropping Jax off and was currently resting his head in my lap while staring at the tv screen, which was playing The Office reruns. I had yet to ask him about going over to my house for dinner, mostly because I was nervous he would say no and nervous he would say yes.

I didn't know what my parents would think of him, considering his ongoing love for people, hint the sarcasm. What if they didn't like him? Or even worse he didn't like them! Ugh what am I going to- "Okay what's wrong? You've barley said a word since I got back." He said, talking me away from my bombarding thoughts. He sat up in front of me and took my hands in his lap.

"Doyouwannacomeoverfordinneratmyhousetonight?" I mumbled under my breath as fast as I could. His eyes widened in confusion as he looked me.

"Okay I've heard some weird shit, but what the fuck?" He scratched his head and chuckled.

"Anna and my dad want to meet you." He looked at me waiting for me to continue but then he began to laugh when I didn't.

His laugh was sounded like the most beautiful and heavenly thing to ever exist on this earth. I was glad that he was comfortable enough to enlighten me with it's sound.

"What?" I asked again, turning my head.

"That's what has been keeping you to your thoughts this entire time?" He grinned, pulling me onto his lap. I nodded, looking into the abyss of his crystal blue eyes. "I'll go if it makes you happy." He responded with sigh.

"Really?" I happily jumped off his lap and began to jump up and down in excitement whilst holding both his hands. I exclaimed pulling him in to hug him. He rolled me over onto the bed so that he was on top and leaned down to place his lips on mine.

I could get used to this version of Luca.


I changed into a light sundress that I paired with Luca's leather jacket, that he surprisingly let me wear. "You ready?" Luca asked, putting his hand on my thigh, as we sat in his car.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled. What could go wrong? Hopefully nothing, because I wasn't prepared to let him go if my parents didn't like him.

"Is your dad gonna interrogate next like he did Jax?" Luca asked again, as we neared closer to my house. It was only a 10 minute drive away, since technically Luca didn't live in the same district.

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