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A/N: Longer chapter, as y'all requested! Enjoy xx

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A/N: Longer chapter, as y'all requested! Enjoy xx


There I was, sitting in 9th period Spanish tapping on the desk with my pen, waiting to see if time would go any faster. I was stupid to approach Luca this morning, and got people talking and spreading stupid rumors.

It's funny how one day you can go from being a totally normal, unnoticed person, to being threatened by gangs and having to also rely on them for protection. What if my family was in danger, and it's all my fault for getting in the middle of something. I let out a sigh and started to doodle in the margins of my textbook.

"Miss Benson, are you still with us?" Mr. Joesph called my name from the front of the class, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, sorry." I answered, feeling my face heat up. I hated being called on or called out in class, it was very nerve-racking even when I had my hand up for times I actually wanted to answer.

Sasha put her hand over mine and I turned my head towards her. We had most of our classes together which was a MAJOR relief. "You okay, Nat?" She asked, with a curious look on her face. "You zoned out for a good 5 minutes just now."

I pushed a couple loose strands of hair behind my ear and smiled at her. "Yeah, Im fine. I just have a lot on my mind." I couldn't tell her about what happen to me weeks ago. She would probably freak and tell her mom who would tell my mom who would tell my dad an onward. It would be too much more to handle.

"Do you wanna go to Sissy's Ice cream?" She asked, her eyes lighting up. Sissy's Ice Cream, was located in the middle of town and had become quite the tradition for Sasha and I, whenever we needed to get something off of our chests we would drive over.

"I would love to, but my Dad and Anna need me home right after school today." I gave her a sad look. I hated lying to Sasha but right now her our safety was more important than anything.

"Alright, some other day then?" She continued, brining her black eyed hair to one shoulder. "You look like you could use a brownie sundae and a vent session." My mouth watered at the thought of a sweet brownie sundae.

"Yes one hundred percent!" I exclaimed a little to loudly, making everyone's heads turn to look at us. "Sorry, sorry!" I put my hands up in defense and lowered my voice.


As soon as the bell rung, I was the first one out of the classroom. I quickly bade my goodbyes to Sasha and slipped into the bathroom. I figured it would be better to wait here for 15 minutes than to cause a scene, walking up to Luca for the second time in a day.

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