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There I was laying half naked, in the arms of Luca Trentino. Never in my seventeen years of life did I think this was possible. They were right about what the devil could do with his tongue, and I am definitely not complaining.

We didn't go the whole way. Partly because I still didn't think I was ready for 'doing the dirty, the full way'. Luca understood, and took it way better than I expected him too. It was 4 in the afternoon already, which meant I spent all day in bed with him. Again, definitely not complaining. Luca's arms were around my waist, as he peacefully slept.

He didn't seem so tense and angry in his sleep. I liked this peaceful version of Luca, this kind and gentle sleeping beast. I pushed his hair away from his forehead and kissed the spot below his hairline. He started to move in his sleep and slightly open his eyes to look at me.

I scrunched my nose and turned around fully to look at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized, smiling. He slightly grinned and pulled me closer to his smooth toned chest.

"What time is it?" He mumbled half asleep. I looked over at the Serpent clock above the door; 4:09 pm.

"Its 4:09." I answered, stretching my arms. He let go of the grip on my waist leaving a cold bare feeling where his hands once were.

Luca sat up against the headboard and looked down at me. "I should get you home, before your parents start worrying." He said in a sleepy voice. I looked at him and pouted, only for him to start chuckling.

That sound, was beyond magical. And it was probably the first time I heard him chuckled or genuinely smile. I grinned, and got up to straddle him. "You should smile more, it's very contagious." I told him, as he leaned in and pecked my lips.

Just as he was about to say something the door flew open to reveal Lilly standing there. "Oh shit!" She covered her eyes quickly and Luca scrambled to get me under the covers since I was only wearing my undergarments.

"Don't you knock?!" Luca said, glaring at her. She seemed to ignore it and walk right into the room. "You've got a call on hold from the warehouse." She explained, walking into his bathroom and fixing her hair in the vanity mirror.

I looked over at Luca who couldn't be more disappointed in the way he glared at Lilly. Seems like she was really getting on his last nerve.

She got out of the bathroom and walked to the edge of the bed. "They transferred it to your number." She smiled, just as his phone started to ring. Lilly closed the door behind her and I heard her foot steps descend from the room.

The Devils WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now