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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! I honestly didn't think I would get more than 10, but I'm so happy! --------Natalie

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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! I honestly didn't think I would get more than 10, but I'm so happy!

I bid Luca goodbye and headed inside. I had invited him in but he said he had some important business to take care of, so I just brushed it off. I was in need of a lavender sissy bath right about now.

I unlocked my door and headed in. As soon as I walked in I was once again met with the concerned faces of Anna and my father. "Crap.." I muttered when I noticed the time; 8:07 pm. Was I really out that long with Luca?

"Where the hell have you been?" Anna exclaimed, running over to hug me. I winced when she tightened the hug, since my rib was severely bruised. "And what happened to your face?!" She cupped the sides of my face and bobbed my head side to side to examine the scratches and cuts.

"Did you get into a fight with someone?" My father asked, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow. I wish I could just say; "No dad, I'm involved in one the most dangerous gangs in the United Stated and they have it out for me and my kind of boyfriend." But no, that would be like sighing a death wish.

"I fell down the stairs at the place and it was-" I sighed rubbing my forehead. "I'm just gonna go freshen up and go to sleep. Sorry for worrying you." I spoke, my voice raspy from screaming.

"You do not just get to walk away young lady, you've been out all day without an explanation." My dad warned, his voice getting tense.

I continued to walk up the stairs and go to my room. The image of the young serpent was forged into my brain, and it was sickening.

"We'll just talk to her in the morning, Rob." I heard Anna faintly at the bottom of the stairs. I walked onto the soft carpet in my room and closed the door behind me, exhaling deeply.


The next morning I woke up with a throbbing headache, so I didn't forget to pop in some Advil's before heading off to school. Luca hadn't called or picked up his phone so I'm guessing he would be at school already, which was sort of unlikely of him.

I made my way down a sea of lockers expecting to see him leaning next to mind, but there was no sign of him. I took out my phone and sent him a quick text after I took the books I needed out from my locker.

Hey, where are you? - Natalie

By fourth period there was still no reply from him and I was starting to get worried. I was bombarding my thoughts with overthinking and worrying about where he could be. I didn't know any other serpents so I couldn't call them to check in, and I didn't have access to Jax knowledge if he was sitting in California.

At the end of the day I hurried out of school and got in my car. I decided to go over to Luca's house and make sure everything was okay.

I drove for about 10 minutes until I reached his mansion and quickly hopped out of the car. The driveway as always was full of expensive cars, so I was hoping he was inside.

I walked up to the door and knocked a few times waiting to be let in. "Please be home.." I mumbled to myself, fixing the soft scarf around my neck.

"Hey Natalie!" Lilly beamed, opening the door and pulling me into the house. "What's up?" She hugged me for a quick second before pulling away. Jeez, this girl was a big hugger.

"Is Luca home?" I asked, tapping my foot against the marble floor. She turned her head to the side and nodded a no.

"No, he hasn't been home since last night." She explained, motioning me to follow her into the living room.
"Damn it." I muttered, I'm confusion. Where could he possibly be?

I walked into the large brow themed living room. It was very comfy looking and had a homey vibe to it.

I say down on the couch and Lilly say in front of me. "So, tell me about you." She smiled, crossing her hands on her lap. Well now that I'm here might as well get to know each other. Right?

"Well, there's not much to tell. I was born and raised in Riverside and happened to go to the same school as a gang leader." I shrugged. She nodded her head and looked at me intently.

"How exactly did you meet Luca?" Lilly asked. "Just because he doesn't really talk to me about these things, ya know?" She went on.

There's no harm in staying a while, so why not? I threw my jacket to the side and kicked my boots off and placed them outside of the carpet. "I ran into the middle of one of Luca's late night runs, after work and after that everything's history." I laughed awkwardly. She stared at me for a few seconds and then laughed weirdly.

"You dated Jax didn't you?" Wow she sure has a lot of questions, I thought. "Yes-, Yea we did for a while." I stuttered, pushing a strand of hair behind me ear.

"Alright, interesting." She nodded her head again, and as she opened her mouth to speak my phone began to ring.

Looking at the caller ID, I excitedly put the phone to my ear.


Why do you think Jax is calling?
And where do you think Luca went?
Sorry for the short chapter, I've been editing the last few chapters. There's some major drama coming up...
make sure to vote and comment.

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