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I sat in the passenger seat of Luca's car, once again. He said I could come with him to his house for a while, so he could take care of the unexpected guest that had showed up.

We sat in silence for some time, with Imagine Dragons playing softly on the car radio. I finally decided to speak up to Luca. "So, who's Lilly?" I asked turning my neck to look at him.

His side profile was tense, like he was in deep thought staring at the road in front of him. "Someone who I didn't think I'd see for a while." He exhaled deeply, pulling into the drive way of his mansion. She was probably the annoying ex girlfriend or something, but I wasn't gonna get my hopes to high for me and Luca.

I stepped out of the car and walked up behind him, to the front door. "Should I be scared?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as he put his fingerprint into the lock.

"Be prepared for a fucking migraine." He mumbled pushing the door open to reveal the front hall. I kicked off my shoes to stay in my socks and followed Luca to the kitchen.

"LUKEY!" I heard a girls voice exclaimed, as I walked in. She ran up to embrace him and kissed his cheek. He barley even flinched or acted back on the affection.

When Lilly turned to face me I finally got a good look at her. She had blackish-brown hair and bright blue, sterling eyes. Her orbs were a spitting image of Luca's.

"I'm Lilly, Luca's cousin." She beamed, pulling me into a hug. I awkwardly hugged her back and smiled when she pulled away.

"I'm Natalie, Luca's uh- Friend." I hesitated on what to say at the last part, and Luca smirked lightly knowing what I meant.

Lilly grinned and bumped me with her elbow. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they say don't they?" She grinned, taking a seat at on the bar stool.

I sat on the other side while Luca stood next to Lilly keeping an appropriate distance. "Whose they?" I mouthed to Luca. He rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples slowly.

"What are you doing here, Lil?" He asked his cousin, trying not to sound rude.

"Am I not allowed to visit my beloved cousin once in a while?" She pouted, looking up at him.

I didn't know how to feel about her. She seemed nice and down to earth. But I couldn't match her energy levels at 10:30 at night. "I haven't seen you in 2 years, there's a reason you're here." He rephrased himself, as he took his jacket off and threw on the the back of a kitchen chair.

Lilly tugged at the strings of her flannel hoodie, and sighed. "Uncle P told his he's been trying to reach you, but you wouldn't answer." She explained, giving into his deathly stare.

Uncle P as in Luca's dad?

"Is uncle P your dad?" I asked softly. He looked like he was thinking of a million different things at once because I could almost hear the gadgets turning in his head.

"My father is Pasquale Trentino." He told me. "Class A jerk." Luca scoffed.

"Oh." Was all I said. I didn't want to intrude on a family matter.

"Look, I don't wanna see him and he knows damn well." Luca snapped at Lilly. She didn't even flinch. I'm guessing she knew how Luca was when he was mad or irritated.

"He probably just wants to talk-" Lilly began before Luca cut her off.

"He wants back in the Serpents that's why. And he had to send you of all people." Luca went off. I sensed he didn't want anything to do with his father. Maybe one day he would tell me about his family.

"Well get used to it buttercup, I'm not going anywhere all week." She smirked, smacking his forehead lightly and walking out of the room.


"I need another smoke." He muttered, sliding open the back door and heading out.

I needed to crack him open and find out more of who he was. But how?

Sorry for the short chapter, it's just another filler while I get my shit together haha.
Make sure to vote and comment.

*Picture below is of Lilly.*


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