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Song - The Wasp Sings - Winter Aid

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Song - The Wasp Sings - Winter Aid

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I sleepily made my way out of my bathroom and plopped down on the bed. I was in no mood to attend school today, mostly because it was Friday and I didn't want to face Luca. The little stunt I pulled in his bathroom yesterday, bringing up his past and making him cry, was really coming back to haunt me.

Instead of getting ready, I picked my blanket off the bed, and wrapped it around myself as I waddled my way downstairs. My chest was baring the weight of a hundred bricks, every time I thought about Parker's corpse or Luca's wounded body. It was like a glitch in the matrix, expect the matrix was my mind.

"Hey Monkey, why aren't you ready for school?" My dad asked, taking a sip from his coffee mug. I saw Anna walk out of the room with wet hair, she saw me standing there looking like a burrito, and raised an eyebrow.

"Morning!" She beamed, giving my dad a kiss and coming over to hug me. I barley moved until she pulled away, looking confused. "What's wrong, Nat?" It only took those 3 words to set my emotions flying out.

I let the blanket drop to the ground and threw my head in my hands, letting out a loud wave of tears. "Hey, hey monkey, it's okay." Dad rushed over and took me in his arms, as Anna ran over to rub my back, while I let it all out.

"It's so frustrating!" I sobbed, into my dads sweater. They both shushed me and gave me words soft assurance. "What is, Natalie?" Anna asked, concern hitting her voice.

"Everything.." I weeped, pulling away from my dads hold and wiping my tears away with both hands. "Is it okay if I stay home." I asked softly, in between small hiccups.

"Yeah, of course bub." Anna smiled, sympathetically. They both knew I didn't want to talk about the problem, and even I could I wouldn't know where the hell to start...


For the next 2 hours after Anna and my dad left, I stayed put on the couch and binged Lucifer.

"I'm Lucifer Morningstar. I can play the piano, and I'm a fancy British man." Chloe Decker spoke, from the TV screen. I laughed to myself and put the volume up.

Now that I think about it, Luca and I were kind of like Chloe and Lucifer aside from all of the divinity and the police department. I watched for a few more episodes until a message lit up my home screen.

Parker's funeral will be held at my house tomorrow at noon -Luca

I looked at the message for about 5 straight minutes, before I finally decided to respond. I didn't really think to ask about a funeral, or let alone plan one. I felt bad that I couldn't be of much help.

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