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(early update!!)

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(early update!!)


My head was killing me, from all the nonsense small talk Jax was making with Natalie. He seemed to be into her, which I could care less about but did he really have to go and fucking flirt for the entirety of the car ride.

When she approached me this morning before our stupid English class, I was already planning on taking a hit on Daniel Atkins; the guy I shot at the mall. But of course he survived, the one time I didn't want him too. I put together a vast plan, so I could finally take down Daniel and get back the hundred grand his guy stole from the Serpents.

I parked the car outside the old Dustmill Firework Factory, that to the naked eye looks to still be in business. Old, but still in business. Its been invaded by the Dukes since for the last 5 years. The public still doesn't know what happened to Paul Dustmill, but can take a damn good guess.

I parked in front of the back entrance of the warehouse and strapped my gun to the waistband of my jeans. Jax hurried out of the car to open the door for his Cinderella. I internally gagged at the two of them and continued to keep to myself. I heard a phone ringing and then footsteps from Jax running up behind me. He slung an arm around my shoulders and let out a happy sigh.

Ugh, happy people. "She seems nice." He said walking in sync with me.

I tired to contain my annoyance and looked straight ahead. "Shouldn't you be a gentlemen and escort her into the warehouse?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Why, are you jealous?" He cooed, before continuing to shower me with his endless joy over Natalie. I've never seen Jax so upbeat before, bastard picked the right day to be a pain in my ass. "She got a call from her dad, so I gave her some privacy." He explained.

I smirked knowing that two could play at the 'Lets annoy each-other' game. "By abandoning her in a dangerous warehouse parking lot?"

His face dropped, and he snapped his to see if she was still behind us, releasing a breath of relief when he saw she was. "Asshat." He shoved me, and jogged back to where she was a couple steps behind.

I told both of them this was a sting operation but in reality we were just gonna trash the place and take back my money. If we're lucky, I would try to wait till Atkins got back to the warehouse and attack him again. According to insider Serpents, him and the Dukes were out on a spree, so they would be gone a while. This gave us plenty of time to take back what's ours.

"So, whats the plan." A heads a soft voice speak from behind me, while I picked the bolted locks on the door. I mentally prepared myself for her to have a panic attack again.

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