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*Before you go ahead and start I would just like to put this out there:

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*Before you go ahead and start I would just like to put this out there:

Luca's character is a ruthless gang leader, and since we haven't really seen his upcoming side, this chapter is dedicated to that.

The profanity used is only for the purpose of this story and to show people's personality traits.

If you have any suggestions for further chapters please let me know in the comments!*


-4 Years Earlier-

I sat on the edge of my bed, contemplating whether or not I should get up. I looked forward to training every week, but something felt different about today. My father had been nagging me for months about how weak I had gotten due to my back injury, after getting into a harsh street fight.

After a couple hours of staying in and playing COD, I finally got up, and went downstairs. My stood cooking in the kitchen, as for my father, he sat at the table talking plans to Malcolm. "You're up." My mother smiled, patting my shoulder.

"You stupid boy!" My father roared from the other side of the kitchen. Malcolm stood down, watching my father as he walked over to me. "First you get into a fight with a bunch of nobody's over a girl, now you have the audacity to miss training!" He slapped me across the face, pushing me back.

My mother covered her mouth letting out a hard gasp. Malcom snickered in his seat, probably thinking of my death wish. This is all I was to this family; a mutt. The runt of the Serpents. Pasquale Trentino's fucked up younger son.

His anger came from my want to be normal. I quit the football team for him. I let go of all my friends. The people who I thought I could trust and get away with. The thought of being stuck with my father forever brought rage inside. The blood cursing through my veins, ran hot with fury.

"Fuck you." I spat out, pushing him back into the kitchen counter with a 'thud'. His face grew red whilst he approached me again.

"Don't do it Pasquale!" My mother yelped as my father grabbed my face in his hand.

"Don't you EVER speak that way to me again! You lowlife imbecile," he snarled, slamming me against the wall. For multiple beats he stayed there, his hands crushing the grip on my jaw. "You won't live next time." He pushed me to the ground, walking away examining his bloody knuckles.

Blood ran down my mouth and gushed from the cuts all over my face and neck. My eyes glossy and swollen, I looked over at my mother who was in some state of shock. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM?!" I barked at her. Malcolm shot you from his chair, and helped me off the ground. About time.

"Luca, you need to blow off some steam!" He yelled yanking me to face him. I punched his chest over and over again, letting my emotions get the best of me.

"You!" I hit him. "You don't care!" My 15 year old definitely was broken. "NONE OF YOU DO!" I cried out.

"Luca, honey, you know your father is tough on you." My mother finally said putting her hand on the side of my face gently. I pushed it off and grabbed an ice block from the freezer.

"I'm just a pawn for your business." I spat out, running up to my room.

I raided my fathers safe, and took all the cash I could find. I packed a bag and called up Reese.

"I'm leaving." I told him. The line was silent. He knew exactly what I meant. Reese knew me inside out, and by the tone of my voice he knew I was done.

"I'll meet you at the safe house." He answered, ending the call.

The safe house. The safe house was my getaway from home. From my father. It was 3 hours away from my family house. No one besides Reese and I knew about it. We kept it off serpent records and payed it off illegally. Stuff I wish I didn't know how to do.

I left for a whole year. I trained like my life depended on it. Because when I returned, the serpents were going to be mine. I was going to run my father out of his own home and away from me and my men.

I knew my mother was worried sick. But I also knew Malcolm and my father couldn't care less. I reached out to my mom to give her a sense of my wellbeing, but not once did I apologize for how I acted the following hours after that night or before.

She told me she loved me and wanted to come home. But I told her I was unworthy of anyone's true emotions. All I felt was numb. Only after being beaten by my father year after year since I was 13. I had, had enough of whatever fucked up expectation my family had of me.

Everyone could go rot in their graves by all means. Because once I left, I wasn't coming back half as sane as I was before.

I went in one night at the annual Serpent ball, that guested over 4000 men and women. It went up in flames, along with my fathers honor. Because his plan all along was to run it into the ground.

I made sure he lost everything. But most importantly, I made sure he knew that he lost me and I was never coming back.

I held a gun up to his head and he begged for mercy. After all that I just wanted to see him suffer. I wanted to him to suffer like he was the runt of the serpents. And that he was.

He was voted out, god knows where he went. But I know he ran to my grandfather for help. He always did.

I walked away that night with more than the serpents. I walked away the Devil.

And I was only beginning.

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