Bonus Chapter: Jaxon

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Hey everyone! I was eating cereal and got this wicked cool idea to make a bonus chapter on Jax, so I hope you enjoy!
*song above is recommended*

Walking out of school was probably the best part of my day. People at PlaneView we're the most boring people on earth and I can guarantee that.
The only person I knew was freakin Maxwell, who Luca sent to attend this school with me. I'm starting to think that Luca picks favorites with the Serpents.

Making my way to my BMW, I only get my hand as far as to touch the handle when my phone begins to ring. Taking it out of my pocket I see a picture of Luca wearing rubber ducky pool floatie's light up the screen and grin, pressing the answer button.

"Wassup Lukey?" I ask, opening the car door and throwing my bag in the back seat.

"I think I fucked up." I hear his deep sigh, and can already imagine him standing on the balcony with a bottle of whiskey and a cigarette.

"You think?" I press the button to start the engine, and pull out of the parking lot.

He then begins to tell me the mischiefs of last night. I swear I've never seen him so flustered. It was that or maybe he was just sexually frustrated, I hadn't seen a girl around the house
in a while. Well come to think of it, I don't think I ever have.

"So this so called Natalie, is what's gotten you so flustered?" I chuckle, knowing he's probably about to burst and kill me through the damn phone.

"I ruined a fucking run out to save her and now she's barely conscious in my room." He spat, hearing him take a swig of liquor.

"If the feds show up, they might get the wrong idea, man." I told him, trying to conceal another laugh from escaping me.

"Fuck you."

"I'm almost to your house, talk in a few minutes buddy boy." I said, parking the car in his drive way and grabbing my back before closing the car door behind me.

Walking into his perfectly furnitured house, god knows when he had time to decorate every single room. I throw my bag on the floor somewhere by the front door and walk to the kitchen where I hear Luca humming some song while throwing out an empty bottle.

"You're already done with it?" I ask, patting him on the shoulder. He rolls his eyes and rubs his temples looking at me.

"Yes, because unlike you I have shit to be stressed out about." He snaps. I tense up a bit knowing he's actually killing himself over this girl.

"So where is she?.." I panned, looking to see if anyone had come down from the hall stairs.

"I went up a little while ago to give her some painkillers and told her to sleep but then she was up again so I don't know." He sighed.

"Hopefully they were painkillers, don't want her taking our stocks." I teased, making him shove me.

In the midst of a play fight, a soft voice broke the tension and my gaze caught the beautiful girl in front of me.
Her light brown hair drew up into a loose bun and she wore a white sweater that fit her personality well.

If I hadn't been staring I would actually introduce myself, until Luca elbowed my rib cage. "Ow- Hi I'm Jax." I half smiled, watching her awkwardly stand there leaning against the entrance.

"You need to eat." Luca told her, well more like demanded her. She nodded and took a seat at the counter, my eyes not once leaving her.

"I see you've met Mr. Grumpy, here." I chuckled, seeing that her lips twitched up slightly, making my heart warm.

Woah Jaxon, buddy calm down with the cheesiness bro.
I looked over and saw Luca in absolute awe looking down at the girl eating strawberries.

This is gonna be interesting, when it plays out.

I know that the dialogue isn't the same as when it happened in the beginning of the book but let's just pretend it is lol.
I hope you enjoyed 💜
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