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*Grab a snack because shits about to get real*

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*Grab a snack because shits about to get real*


Today was Christmas Eve, a time to be happy and grateful, and yet I was laying in bed next to Jax sulking over Luca and his actions.

The boy really confused me. Sometimes he would ignore me, and other times we would have this weird sparky connection. Every time he looked at me, electricity sparked through my entire body, but then I thought back to Jax and how happy he was. It was mentally tearing me apart.

Well that or I'm just being dramatic. Luca would say things to me that made me rethink my entire relationship with Jax, and it hurt to see him so energetic and happy when he was around me.

I turned on my back, and looked up at the ceiling of Jax's guest room, at Lucas house. I let out a sigh as I looked back down at Jax who was sound asleep on his stomach, with a arm resting on my waist.

Before you get any ideas, no, we didn't do the dirty deed. To be quite honest, I hadn't really thought about it. I was so caught up in mixed emotions with Luca and Christmas preparations, I hadn't really had the time to think about sex. Surprisingly the topic didn't come up either, in the three months Jax and I have been together.

I had noticed a couple of time where I caught Jax and Luca glaring at each other like they were to attack each other any second. Especially the day I hurt my wrist. I was always in the dark about the guy's feelings.

I finally managed to untangle myself from his death grip on my waist, and make my way to the bathroom. I ran the shower and stripped myself of Jax's t-shirt. I kept reminding myself as the hot water hit my skin, that today was a day to be cheerful and happy, but I woke up with a weird uneasy feeling about today.

Something, well everything seemed off. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself, making my way over to the large closet in Jax's room. He had insisted I buy some things to keep here, since I stayed over often, so I did.

I picked a matching pair of black lingerie, and threw on a loose, grey sweater, over a pair of black jeans. Nothing too casual or too fancy. My dad and Anna were hosting the annual Benson family Christmas Eve dinner tonight, so they both insisted I bring Jax.... and Luca.

I decided to tell them I was friends with Luca, since he was seen with us so all of the time. I mean, that's what Luca is right? A friend?

A really good friend who confuses the shit out of you with his mixed emotions.

"Hey you're up." Jax babbled, half awake. I walked over and grabbed a pillow off the side of the bed, and whacked him on the back with it. "You should get up too, we have a long day ahead of us." I reminded him.

He shot me a lopsided grin, before pulling me by the arm onto the bed, next to him.

"Hey!" I squealed trying to get out of his embrace. "You have to get up Jax!" I playfully glared at him, and he finally let go. He sat up against the bed frame and yawned widely.

"What time do we have to be at your parents?" He asked, his voice husk from slumber. I got up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, to dry my hair.

"Well, we have to be there at 4 to help set up, but the other guests are coming around 6 o'clock." I answered running a hand through my wet waves.


A few hours later Jax, Luca, and I pulled up to my house and parked in the driveway. It was only 4:05, so there was still a little time before guests would start arriving. There was a weird tension in the air the whole car ride. It was silent and unbearable. Both Luca and Jax, kept silently judging each other whenever I stopped at a red light.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I locked the all the doors as we were about to exit the car, and the looks on their faces were absolutely terrifying. "Okay, cut the shit." I demanded, putting my hands together on my lap.

Luca sulked back into his seat with his signature glare intact, and his arms folded together in on his chest. "Not my fault." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Jax.

I raise my eyebrow waiting for an explanation. "Oh really?! This isn't your fault whatsoever?" Jax taunted his best friend, looking back into the back seat Luca was sitting in.

"It's not my fault you're so sensitive." Luca snapped back. I sat there opening my mouth every now and then to try and intervene, but it was no use. They kept arguing back and forth about god-knows-what.

This reminded me of the time I had to babysit my twin cousins for a day. Except my cousins weren't part of a gang and drank liquor as a religion. Anna peaked out the front door a few times to make sure everything was okay, and all I could do was smile and nod. I wasn't sure what the problem here was.

I finally had enough of their stupid bickering. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" I exclaimed making them go silent. "Can someone explain to me what's going on?" I urged, letting out a deep exhale.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend, Jax." Luca smirked evilly. It was like hell fire in his crystal clear eyes, the way he looked at me in that moment.

"What are you talking about?" Me and Jax both asked at the same time, glancing at one another.

Luca threw open the car door, and turned around to look at us once more before heading in. "Im not the one thats faking their real feelings about your relationship." He scoffed, making his way up to my front porch.

My heart stopped when I looked at Jax, who looked like he was gonna burst. I knew what Luca meant. But I wasn't faking my feelings for Jax, I truly liked him. I liked him.

"Jax I-" He cut me off by unlocking the car door and stepping out.

"Don't, Natalie. Your parents are probably waiting.

I had a feeling that this dinner had a lot more in store for us besides the turkey.

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