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Luca's POV

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Luca's POV

I laid in her bed staring at the ceiling that was covered in tiny little glow in the dark stars, as she cuddled up close to me in only a t-shirt leaving her legs bare. Every bit of last night was replaying again and again in my head, pleasing my inner demon and almost making me grin like an idiot.

It was 5:30 am and for some reason I had a horrible gut feeling in the pit of stomach. I only slept for 3 hours and then my body decided to stay awake too. I reached to the side table and took my phone off of charge. "Damn." I mumbled, checking the screen that was filled with incoming messages from my men.

5:00-Boss you've got people coming at 6 am - Maxwell

5:25-Hey Lukey, come home you've got company - Lilly

5:31-They came early, you need to get here ASAP - Maxwell

I mentally groaned and started to put my clothes back on, and tie my boot laces. Before leaving her room, I looked down at a peaceful sleeping Natalie a leaned in low to place a kiss on her forehead.

She looked twice as beautiful in her slumber, which made it hard to get myself to leave and attend to shit at home, this early in the damn morning.
I quietly crept out of her room and down the small flight of stairs, and began to approach the front door when a voice sounded from the kitchen. "Leaving so early?"

Rob was standing in the kitchen when I turned my body to face him, drinking his coffee. Something about him really pissed me off, and I couldn't put a finger to it. Probably a gang leaders intuition or some shit.

"I'm needed at home." I said without showing any interest to his words, and what he had to say.

"You mean your gang, you serpent?" He spat at me. I felt the anger rise to my head.

"Guess the cats out of the bag." I smirked, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen, running a hand through my hair.

"You stay away from my daughter you hear me. Better yet, stay away from my whole family." He warned stepping forward pointing into my chest. I looked at him and laughed coldly.

"I'm the only one that can keep her safe." I told him, looking in the direction of her room. "And it's gonna be a little hard to stay away now." I grinned, walking away towards the front door and stepping out, closing it behind me.


Pulling up to my house, a sight that always stresses me the fuck out, I stepped out of the car and took my time walking up to the front door. "Boss, you're here." Maxwell, one of my men, came from around the kitchen and motioned towards the hallway my office was in.

"Who the fuck needs to see me at 6:00 in the damn morning?" I snarled, rubbing my temples.

"I think it's best if you see for yourself." He nodded, walking away. I rolled my eyes and headed towards my office.

I specifically had it made in this hallway since the whole theme was basically serpent history, and because I just wanted it there. Walking up to the handle I turned it and was hit by the cool air of the air conditioning.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me.." In front of me was my freakin father, brother Malcolm, and Lilly all chatting away.

"Hello Son." Pasquale said, with an evil look across his face. I closed the door and leaned against it, looking at the god damn family reunion in front of me.

"I thought I made it clear you couldn't come back here." I told him, crossing my arms.

"He's not the only one that's here, Brother." Malcolm spoke up. I turned to look at him sitting against my desk wearing a black suit, looking like a FBI agent. Although it had been a few years since I saw him, Malcolm looked like an older version of me with slightly lighter hair and fairer skin.

"Oh I'm sorry. How are you big brother? How are the kid and wife?" I smiled sarcastically, cringing at the sound of my own sappy voice.

"Well if you must know, Charlotte is 6 years old now, and Kara is doing great." I remembered back to when Malcolm brought home his newborn daughter, Charlotte for the first time. I had never been more bothered by a offspring's existence in my entire life but then the little human decided to get attached to me for some reason.

I couldn't care less about Karolina, Malcoms wife. She always pissed me off so I chose to like their child better than either of them. "Hopefully you haven't driven Charlotte out of her tiny little mind, yet." I said, shooting daggers at my father.

My eyes flicked over to Lilly, who was standing next to my father, watching closely at my every move. "And what exactly are you doing here?" I shook my head, waiting for an answer.

"You know, it's funny how highly you thing of yourself." She started, slightly pacing around the room. "I thought you would've caught on by now, Lukey." She teased, giggling to herself. I hated the stupid ass nickname she had for me. The only one I accepted was the one Natalie called me; Lu.

"You see son, I sent Lilly to stay with you for a while to gather intel on whatever she could. Gather valuable information about you." My father explained. I glared his way, moving away from the wall and closer to where they were standing.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I scowled, trying not to loose my shit completely.

"Luca, you need to return back the serpent empire to its rightful heir. Which is me." Malcom interrupted. I felt the anger starting to rage out of me.

"It's not to late to go back on good terms with your family." Lilly smiled, reaching out to put an arm on my shoulder in which I shrugged off.

"Or what?" I began, smoke coming out both ears at this point. There was one thing I got from my father, and that was my short tempered mind. "What are you gonna do, Pasquale?" I taunted, feeling my fathers sense of over confidence.

"Well, I guess then we'll see, won't we?" He grinned, making me hit my hand down on the desk in frustration.

"You've seemed to grow soft, old brother." Malcolm chuckled. "What's gotten you turned all different?"

"The fuck are you talking about?!" I snapped, shoving him off my desk.

"I happened to run into a relative of Natalie Benson." My blood seemed to freeze at the sound of her name my fathers tongue. "Name ring a bell?"

Oh damn. Pasquale knows about Natalie and Luca...
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