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I walked down the stairs and into my kitchen. I was still half asleep and my arms were in the air mid yawn as I came face to face with my parents.

"Hey guys." I said groggy, reaching down for my white converse. Today was Monday, which meant school. I wasn't looking forward to it, at all.

"Hey, monkey. Where were you last night?" My dad asked placing his hands on my hips. My mind wondered back to my night with Luca and the things he could do with his hands, on lord. Snap out of it Nat! I thought, looking back at my dad and Anna.

"I was out...with a friend." I deadpanned and looking down at my chipped blue nail polish. I really had to get my nails done. My natural nails were the equivalent to those of a newborn babies, tiny.

"A friend, huh?" Anna smirked, lightly shoving my shoulder. "Where, did you guys go?" She asked playfully.

"What did you guys do?" My father raised his eyebrows. Just as I was about to answer the honking of a horn outside startled all of us.

Saved by a serpent, once again.

I hurried and threw on a jacket and grabbed my backpack off of the stairs, and ran to open the door. "Gotta go, love you!" I called out closing the door behind me and running up to Luca's car. I opened the passenger side door and threw my bag on the floor by my leg-space, and climbed in.

"I wasn't gonna zoom off without you." He stated, looking over at me with his bedazzling blue eyes. I don't know how long I can go now without kissing him. Ever since last night that's all I've been able to think about.

How it felt...
How it tasted...
How I didn't want it to end...

Without waiting for me to answer he put his hand on the back of my neck, and pulled me in gently to attack me with his lips. I hurried my hands into his messy curls and pulled him closer. The gentleness faded into lust and want, but then I realized we were still sitting in my driveway.

I pulled away, resting my forehead on his and gazed into his eyes. They were even more intimidating up close. "We should get going." I whispered.

"But I want you." He whispered back, almost pouting. His voice still lingered of morning husk and it was doing all sorts of things to my insides.


"I want you" those 3 words played inside my head for the entirety of first through third period. It was embarrassing enough that the whole damn school had to see me walk into school with Luca at my side. I guess I had to get used to all the stares and whispers because he was literally my only friend in school now.

The bell rang for the end of fourth period and I made my way to my locker. My next class was english so that meant I would be with Luca. I sensed relief that I would have someone to talk to. It was getting a little lonely not talking or interacting with anyone, to be honest.

I put in my locker combination and started to take out my english notebook. "Hi." I heard Luca say as he walked up to me, and leaned on the locker next to mine.

"Hi." I smiled awkwardly while hitting my locker shut.

"Do you wanna skip?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. If this wasn't setting my insides off than I was hopeless.

I didn't realize how long I was staring at him still he snapped it my face. "Huh?" I shook my head.

"Skip with me...." he panned, waiting for an answer.

"Mhm!" I nodded, looking way to out of it. Like somehow it just hit me that I was hanging out with the hottest guy on earth.

Get it together Natalie. I sighed and followed him out the back door of the school, while at least 75 pairs of eyes were on us.

"So, where to?" I asked, as we sat in his car. He ran a hand through his hair and started the car before turning to look at me.

"My house." He spoke. I couldn't help but let my mind wander to deep places...literally.


We made it to his house 10 minutes later and I hopped out of the car and went into the house.

For some reason I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Every time we spoke he would ask me if everything was okay, and quite honestly, all I could think about was kissing him.

"Wheres Lilly?" I asked, trying not to think about my damn dirty mind.

He shrugged, as he took off his jacket and threw it onto the floor of his room. Oh yeah, I'm in Luca's room once again. His room is probably bigger than the first floor of my house, and I'm not even joking. It was huge.

Right, that didn't come out right.

*Mature Scene Below*

"Okay, fuck it." I walked over and pulled him by his t-shirt, to kiss him deeply. He let his hands find there way down to my ass and cupped it ever so gently. I moaned into the kiss, making him kiss me harder. His tongue asked for entrance and without thinking twice I granted it.

He lifted me up and brought me over to the bed, throwing me down onto the soft grey sheets. I turned over him so I was straddling his body, as I placed soft kisses down his jaw and neck. He pulled away for a quick second and looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you sure?" He asked, almost in a whisper.

I nodded with a smile pulling him back and to hungrily attack his lips once again with mine.

He suddenly rolled me over, so I was on the bottom, and took my wrists in his hand, pinning them up above my head. His hands were big enough, that he could hold both my arms in place with only one. His free arm made its way down my chest, and body, until it reached my legs, and I willingly spread them apart. He continued to assault my neck with hickeys and bruises, as I let my head fall back with pleasure. "Luca..." I moaned out as he pulled down my jeans.

Just as my jeans hit the floor he came back up and started passionately kissing me again. His hand began rubbing my flower through the thin fabric keeping it out. "You're such a tease." I whimpered softly at his touch, he smirked and suddenly slid his hand underneath the lace of my panties and I could feel myself loosing all the sanity I had left.

He slipped a finger in, not once breaking eye contact. I let out a loud moan and felt my eyes roll back. "Don't stop.." I whispered lightly. He started kissing down my neck again and only stopped to slip my top off, leaving me in my matching black lace bra.

"I don't plan on it." He grinned, his eyes going dark, as he made his way down to my throbbing womanhood.

Soon, I lost track of where my body ended and his began...

Sorry for all you innocent minds, that read the last part.
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