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A/N: 400 Reads? Y'all are the best! In honor of that, I have given you a second update! Enjoy ❤️

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A/N: 400 Reads? Y'all are the best!
In honor of that, I have given you a second update!
Enjoy ❤️


I couldn't stay there, and not help. My mind went to Luca. Even if I didn't know him that well, his life wasn't worth any less than mine, for me to be standing here and watching parts of his house go up in flames.

I kicked off my heels, I know smart, and ran into the smoke covering my mouth and nose with the light sweater I brought along with me. Nothing was visible, every part of his driveway past a certain point was covered by grey smoke. My eyes were stinging, as if I sprayed onion juice into them.

"JAX!" I screamed out, trying to locate him. "LUCA!" Nothing. All you could hear was the sound of crackling sparks, like they were crunchy fall leaves. My vocal cords were sore from screaming, multiple times.

I entered the garage which wasn't hit, but was severely distraught. I gasped, when I saw the dead body of a man lying on the cold hard ground. "No, no, no." I didn't want that to be who I thought it was. I ran around the body to the front to see it was a man I wasn't familiar with. His eyes were struck open, and bloodshot, only to be staring into the abyss of nothing.

As I went to check his pulse, I noticed the tattoo he had behind his ear: the outline of a tiger, with the words "Daring and Duke" underneath. He was part of the Dukes. I left him as he was, and walked up to the door that was covered in blood and debris. Kicking it open a sudden jolt of pain ran up the side of my ankle. "ARGH!" I yelled out in pain. Afraid to look down, I continued to walk.. well limp.

I started violently coughing trying to find any signs of Luca or Jax, but so far they're were non, until I heard a deep voice. "Jax?..." out of nowhere Luca came out from around the kitchen hallway covered in blood, holding his clocked gun. "Luca?! What happen?!" I hurried over, to where he was and made sure he wasn't hurt. Dirt, and debris were all over his face, and the scorching hot temperature of the house wasn't helping at all.

"You shouldn't be here..."he suddenly collapsed onto the floor, and I rushed to catch his head before he hit the ground. I landed on my knees, pretty hard, "shit, Luca!" My arms were under his shoulders, trying to keep him up.

"I need to help you!" I exclaimed, I looked around to see if anyone else was around, but I couldn't see anyone else. "Luca! Answer me!" I pleaded

"Get out of here." He flinched, holding his stomach. I almost passed out when I saw his torso. Two gun wounds, hit him right in his abdomen, and the blood kept gushing out. "NO!" I untied my sweatshirt from around my face and immediately applied pressure onto his founds.

He cringed at the pain trying not to show it. I didn't care how strong he was trying to come off as, he was shot. Twice. He needed to give himself a break. "Damn it! It's bleeding through!" Tears started flowing down my face, as I started panicking. "Car! I need Jax's car!" I quickly got up and hoisted Luca carefully you with me.

"I can't leave!" He insisted, trying to rid himself of my grip around him.

"You need a hospital!" I exclaimed, walking as quickly as I could, to get up both to Jax's car. It was still running, since he ran out all the sudden. "You're foot." I heard Luca's pained voice speak.

"What?" I continued to help him walk to the car.

"You're hurt." He pointed to my foot which I had dreaded looking at. As soon as I noticed it, I cringed at the deep cut running through the side and up my ankle. With crimson red blood staining the rest of it.

"I'm fine, you're definitely not, we need to get you help." I told him, trying not to loose my focus.

"NATALIE?" Jax called from the front of the house. I snapped my neck around to see his shirt was all ripped to shreds and he looked as if he walked through a fire, literally. Because he did. "Luca?! Oh my god what happen, Luke?" He looked more concerned and broken than any of us. I didn't blame him.

"I need to bring him to the hospital, I'm taking your car." I explained quickly, hoisting Luca into the back seats.

"You stay here, call the fire department!" I reminded him. He nodded and ran back to the house calling 911.

"Dukes are still in the house-" Luca tired saying before he starting drifting away.

"NO! Stay with me!" I reminded me again and again, as I started the car and hurried up and backed out of the large drive way. "Luca, please!" I was crying harder than I ever had in my entire life at this point. I hated blood, and people getting hurt.

I looked into the rear view mirror and saw him unconscious. "Damn it!" I hit the steering wheel, as traffic started building up on the highway.

I pulled up to the emergency room, and didn't bother to park. I left the car running at the entrance of the E.R and everything seemed to slow down. It felt as if someone took a stop watch and slowed down the tiny hand. I ran to the back side seats and helped him get out.

"PLEASE HELP US!" I yelled out to the nurses. People of all medical decrees came running out with a stretcher and helped him onto it. He was no where near conscious, at this point. "I need to go with him!" I yelled out trying to follow behind.

A male nurse stopped me from running after, "You're hurt! Come with me!" He told me abruptly. I tried to follow, barefoot and limping but I immediately fell to the ground, which resulted in the nurse having to carry me.

It only took one more look at my wounded and bloody foot, for me pass out as well.

Whew! What a chapter!
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