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I sat on my bed, watching the office when my phone began to ring. I looked around my room panicking, because I couldn't find it, and ended up rolling myself off the bed.
"Oomph!" I exclaimed, hitting the carpeted floor with a *thud*

I finally found it and and got it off my nightstand, picking up quickly. "Hello?" I said, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Sals pizza, can I get a pizza your heart?" The familiar voice on the other end spoke. I could sense his grin through the phone.

"Hi Jax." I smiled to myself. I'm sure he heard the happiness in my voice, and the heavy breathing because I sounded like I was dying after falling off my bed. Probably the most full-body action I've gotten in a long ass time.

"You sounds like you ran a marathon." He chuckled. I was about to speak up until I heard Luca's voice in the background.

"I don't think she's ran a day in her life." He muttered. I knew he was being sarcastic because the day I found out who he really was, I ran faster than Usain Bolt.

"Tell Luca I heard that." I laughed. "Anyways, what's up?" I laid back on my bed facing the ceiling, checking out my nails.

"Not much, are you doing anything right now?" He asked, dragging out the sentence.


"Great, meet me at Sal's pizza for real in 15 minutes." And with that he hung up. I stay laying there for a few seconds until the reality dawned upon me. "Oh shit 15 minutes!" I shot up from my bed, almost tripping again as I made my way to my closet to find an outfit.

After 5 minutes of useless hunting I finally found an okay outfit. I never really cared for what people thought about my appearance. Now I kinda had a boyfriend, so I was more self-aware, not that I had to be. I brought that upon myself.

I threw on a pair of leggings, and a Patagonia pullover I stole from my dad. "Not gonna get any better than this," I muttered to myself, putting my hair up in a ponytail.

I walked into my kitchen, where my dad and Anna were starting on dinner. "Hey monkey, you hungry?" My dad asked, holding up a spoon covered in tomato sauce.

I walked in and leaned against the fridge. "I'm going to meet Jax for pizza, so I'll be back after dinners over." I explained, putting my shoes on that I found by the counter. Great places to put shoes, I know.

"No funny-"

"No funny business, I know dad." I smiled, snapping and pointing at him.

"Bye guys love you!" I called out opening the front door.

"Bye Natty girl!" Anna yelled back.


Since Sal's wasn't far away, I had decided to walk which only took about 7 minutes. I grew up going to Sals every week so I was close with Sally; the owner.

I walked in, causing the bell above the door to chime. "Natalie! I've been wondering where you've been!" Sally exclaimed, coming out from behind the counter to hug me.

I walked up to her and hugged her back, taking in the sweet scent of pizza sauce lingering on her. "How've you been?" I asked pulling away.

"I've had my good days and my bad." She sighed. "Where's Sasha?" She looked around to see if she had come with me. Another thing was that, Sasha and I used to come together. But I guess that won't be happening anytime soon.

"We're not exactly on speaking terms." I answered sadly. "It's okay though, I'm supposed to be meeting my friend here." I smiled.

"You don't suppose its those two over there do you?" She asked pointing to a booth in the far right side of the restaurant. "I heard your name on their tongues." I looked over to see Jax AND Luca sitting opposite of each other in the booth.

Why was Luca here? I didn't know he was coming. I thanked Sal, and walked over to the two. "Hey guys..." I said awkwardly. Jax smiled brightly, and Luca barely looked up to meet my gaze.

"Hey Nat." He motioned for me to sit down next to him, so I slid into the booth and he put his arm above the armrest.
God was really testing me right now. I went from being basically a loner to being "friendly" with the two hottest guys I've ever seen.

"I didn't know you were coming." I said, looking at Luca who was staring at me intently. He looked as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Well I'm here now." He said looking down at his watch, which probably cost more than my very existence.

"Unfortunately." Jax muttered, loud enough for Luca to hear and roll his eyes. One day he was gonna roll his eyes so far back, they weren't gonna come back.
I didn't know why he was sticking around all of the sudden, but I didn't wanna have him ignore me the whole time.

After a few minutes, we started talking and getting comfortable around each other. Well more like me and Jax, Luca kinda just sat here listening and nodding every now and then. I ordered a large pepperoni for us to share, and cheap fountain drinks.

"I'm in no mood to go to school tomorrow." I sighed, resting my head on my hand. "I can't stand it." As soon as I mentioned school, Luca suddenly started paying close attention to the conversation. He nodded his head in a "no" towards Jax who seemed like he had something important to say.


"I'm transferring to Riverside!" He blurted out, causing Luca to throw his head down on the table, mumbling a curse.

I choke on my coke, feeling the bubbles go up my nose. "You what?!"

How do you feel about Jax's decision?
I have a bad feeling about this....
make sure to vote and comment.

Thank you so much for all you're guys endless love and support! 🐍❤️

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