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A/N: This is the edited version, sorry for the confusion

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A/N: This is the edited version, sorry for the confusion.

"Jax?!" I excused myself from Lilly and went to the main hallway, and sat on the steps in the front of the door.

"Hey you!" He beamed on the other end of the call. It felt good to hear a familiar voice, and that being Jax's. With everything going on maybe this could be a good time to have a long talk with him. "How's it been?" He asked, genuinely.

What a double sided question that was, I thought to myself. "It's been...Complicated." I answered honestly. Was there really a specific word for "I saw an open bloody casket of a gang member who had been stabbed in the heart and was being eaten by a bunch of blood sucking sneaks?" Yeah, probably not.

"It's Luca isn't it?" Jax knew me well enough by now that anything that was happening in my life was basically revolving around the serpents, and well Luca.

"I-" I stammered, trying to find the right words for what I wanted to say. How could I explain my to my ex boyfriend about the complicated situation I was going through with my current kind of boyfriend.

"Did something happen between you two?" His voice became orotund, sounding clear and serious all of the sudden.

"He hasn't come home since last night and it's almost that time again. I'm worried Jax." I spoke, putting my head in my free hand. What if he didn't come home, or it was something I had said, or I don't know!

"Im guessing you saw Parker too then." He spoke gently, trying not to stay on the subject to long. I sighed before speaking again. "Yeah, I saw him." I said softly.

"Damn." Jax muttered. He didn't seem shocked. "You don't seem surprised.." I panned, confused.

"Listen, Natalie, Luca has a tendency to disappear when things get to overwhelming for him." I took in his words as he went on. Disappear? To where? Was I part of the reason? "I think Parker's death set him over the edge for more reasons than one." He explained.

I didn't know what to say, partly because now I felt like I barley knew Luca. "Jax, I don't know how I can help him if I don't know anything about him." I said, starting to feel the feeling of guilt set on my chest.

"As you said before, Luca is a complicated person." He began to say somberly.

"I know that." I dumbfoundedly spoke.

"The sad thing is that he's the outcome of a happy childhood, up until he was old enough to understand the Serpents and his place within them." Jax explained, carefully with sadness hinting at his voice.

"Can you tell me?" I started. "A-about his past?" Since I had a feeling Luca wasn't going to, I needed to have some understanding of what I was getting myself into.

"What do you wanna know?" I thought about it for a second before answering; "Everything."

So that's what he started telling me. "Luca was born the youngest child to the Serpent leader before him, Pasquale Trentino. Malcom, Luca's older brother he didn't want anything to do with the gang, or as he said. Malcom ran off and got some girl pregnant and they decided to start a family together right after he finished high school." I didn't know Luca had an older brother, let alone a little niece or nephew.

"Luca wanted to be like Malcom in some ways. He wanted to have a normal life, away from the gangs and all the violence. He played football in school and had lots of friends he hung out with. He even fell in love with a girl in his Sophomore year; Francesca Bishop." My heart felt sore at the mention of a girlfriend. I didn't have any right to be jealous of the past but here I was butthurt over something I wasn't even involved in.

"Francesca played him real good." He laughed coldly before continuing. "He really loved her and she just used him for sex and protection. His father would beat him and abuse him over the smallest things and when he found out about his little fling, as his dad called it, Pasquale lost his shit. Days after that Luca called me up, since I was already his old childhood friend, and he disappeared for a whole year." I took in all the things Jax was telling me.

My heart honestly broke for Luca. I didn't realize how much shit he was actually going through, behind my back the problems he was facing. "I- I had no idea." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"No one even does." Jax concluded. "That was a depressing story." He laughed, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

"Yeah well I-" as I was speaking, mid sentence the front door flew open and hit the side wall with a loud bang. "What the hell was that?" Jax exclaimed, concerned.

"Holy shit, Jax I have to go I'll talk to you later.." I hung up the phone and stared at the wounded sight in front of me. Tears started to trickle at the corners of my eyes, begging to be released.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

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