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I woke up feeling the cold and "Luca-less" spot on my bed next to me. I sat up and dramatically stretched my arms and legs, before getting up and sorely walking to the bathroom.
My lady area was extremely sore bug that was inevitable, considering last nights activities.

I smiled at the memories in my head of Luca that kept playing in my head. He probably left since something came up at work, I would have to ask him when I arrived at school.

Speaking of school, Monday had unfortunately arrived snapping me back to life from my night of euphoria. I rolled my eyes at the thought and made my way to the shower to start my morning routine.

After a quick shower I changed into a black tank top and a jean skirt that reached about mid thigh. I slipped on a pair of black low top converse, and grabbed my backpack, making my way out my room and downstairs.

"You're up early." I said to my dad, as I walked into the kitchen to grab a granola bar. He kissed the side of my head and sat back on the stool, by which he had his laptop out and sat on the counter.

"I've been up since 6." He began. "I even saw Luca head out." I snapped my head up when I heard his name.

"Oh, did he say where he was going?" I asked, putting the Nature Valley bar into the side pocket of my bag. "He said he had something come up at home, didn't say what though." Dad explained, sliding his reading glasses up on his head.

"I guess I'll find out when I get to school." I shrugged about to turn around and leave, when my dads voice stopped me once more.

"Listen, Monkey." His voice was serious this time. "I don't think you should hang around him. Luca doesn't seem like he's a good influence." I sighed, knowing where he was going with this conversation.

As much as I respected my father, Luca and I had come to far to let our relationship fall apart just like that. "I know dad, but he's a good person. He may not seem so people-friendly, but you have to believe me." I answered, my voice intent.

"I don't know Natalie. I don't want you to end up like your mom, with the wrong guy.." I felt my stomach shift at the mention of my mother. No one in my house had mentioned her name in so long that it almost felt foreign to hear of my biological mother.

"You think you were the wrong guy for her?" My voice cracked slightly, as I tired to hold back my flood of emotions.

"I think people can feel so strongly towards each other at one point and then fall out of love 15 years later." He went on, letting out a deep breath before slipping his glasses back on.

I couldn't stand here talking about the women that betrayed my whole family, when I had places to be. "Tell Anna I said bye. Love you." And with that subject change, I was off to school lost in my thoughts.


Walking in through the front doors of the school into a sea of metal lockers, I found myself looking around for Luca as I made my way to my own locker. I assumed I'd see him in English so I just brushed off my worry.

When I reached my locker a familiar voice caught my attention, making me turn my head to face Addison and Sasha walking side by side laughing at something Sasha had said. Instead of my normal half glare, I shot her a small smiled in which she returned hesitantly.

It wasn't much but at-least it was a start to being a better person, and getting my life together since it was going pretty good now a days.

After she passed by I returned to putting in my combination and pushed up the lock, popping my locker open. "Wh-" a small folded piece of paper fell to my feet before I could even open the metal door any further.

I sat my bag on the floor and bent down to pick up the folded note, I'm guessing that's what it was. Picking it up, I turned it around to find writing labeled on the front;
My Natalie.

Not wanting to stand at my locker getting stares, I quickly gathered my books and stuffed them into my bag, and made my way into the bathroom. Surprisingly my curiosity was more important than my education right now.

I slipped into a stall, note in hand and locked the door sitting on the lid of the toilet seat. I carefully opened the note and began to read;

My Natalie,

Falling in love with you was like climbing to the top of a mountain and falling to the bottom, over and over again. It drove me insane. You were the first human being that truly scared me. You made me feel so free that I didn't know what to do with myself.
I was so struck by you and the way you were passionate about the servants
You created a whole new monster out of me, that couldn't handle seeing you in danger. The danger that came with the day I saved you from the man at the mall to what happened with Parker. That was nothing compared to the trouble that was about to begin if I didn't do what I did.
I left because I was too afraid to see what would happened if I stayed. I wouldn't be able to live myself if anything happened to you. Don't bother looking for me, it's not worth it.

Live your life.
I love you.

- L . T

My heart plummeted to the pit of my stomach, as a sob choked up in my throat. My shaky hand moved down to grab my phone and dialed a number I learned to know by heart.

It rang and rang till the person on the other end finally picked up. "Hello?" He spoke, groggily.

"He's gone."

And there you have it folks, the end.
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There will sadly be no sequel :(

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