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Christmas Eve made me realize that, feelings are complicated and I just had to learn to deal with it. With high school graduation only 6 months away, I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

Luca's whole life was ahead of him in the Serpents. He wasn't having a kid anytime soon, so his job continued as the leader was pretty much lined up for him.

As for Jax, he took the first flight out of Riverside, the day after Christmas, and was starting to settle in the San Francisco Serpent base. We heard from him every now and then, which was good for all of us. Before leaving he made a point to tell me that I still had a friend in him, and of course I started crying. Now for the million dollar question; did I fall for Luca?

Well, since Christmas Eve dinner was only nine days ago, I hadn't had time to speak to him. Quite honestly, I think he was trying to avoid me. I haven't gone to his house since I helping Jax pack up his stuff around 5 days ago.

I was afraid that he didn't want anything to do with me anymore. That probably wouldn't be possible since I was kind of the reason his house erupted in flames. I currently was in my kitchen trying to figure out how to make pasta. Cooking was a foreign art to me, considering the only thing I knew how to make was eggs.

"Here we go." I mumbled to myself happily, taking the box of spaghetti out of the cabinet. Lorde was my playing on my phone which I placed on the counter, as I collected all my ingredients.

Me being me, I decided to multitask as grab 5 things as once, resulting in the whole box of half OPENED spaghetti, to fall right at my feet. "Fuck!" I muttered to myself, angered at the fact I didn't have 8 arms.

Kneeling down onto the cold marble floor, I began picking up the thin sticks of pasta. "What a foul mouth you've got." A deep voice spoke, huskily from behind me. I gasped and turned around to see the one and only Luca.

I looked around left and right, confused to how he got into my house. "How did you get into my house?" I raised an eyebrow standing up, and walking over to the trash can to throw out the pasta.

I noticed his dark schemed outfit; black boots, dark jeans, and a black hoodie. Black was really his color, and he pulled it off well. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. "It's not that hard to break into a house." He said, monotonously staring into my eyes with his now dark eyes.

I took into account how his eyes changed shades everyone and then, but never lost there crystal blue touch. I looked at him and shook my head. "Well I've never broken into a house before so..." I deadpanned, throwing the remaining ingredients to the side, and brushing my hands off against my leggings.

"Grab a jacket." He told me, walking out of the kitchen while slinging his keys on his middle finger. I stammered trying to ask where he was talking me but he wouldn't answer. "I'm not gonna say it again Benson." He warned, cocking an eyebrow. I wasn't trying to piss him off, even thought a part of me wanted to see what he would do.

Lord knows how many girls want to be choked by Luca, the Greek legend himself. Alright, sorry, gettin off topic here.

"Okay, okay I'm coming!" I called out, stumbling to put on my boots. I threw on a north face fuzzy jacket, and quickly wrote a note, pasting it onto the fridge for Anna and my Dad to see.

Out with a friend, be back soon. Xx - Nat

I quickly walked behind him and closed the front door behind me. Immediately as I stepped out, the cold winter air hit my face, sending shivers up my spine. "What about my pasta?" I frowned, getting into his jet black Range Rover. The moon reflected off of the passenger side door as I pulled it open and hopped onto the heated leather seat.

He put his seatbelt on and backed out of my driveway. His eyes were focused on the road ahead, but I could tell his thoughts were elsewhere. "I'll buy you pasta on the way back." He assured me, clearing his throat.

God if looks could kill, his gaze on the road could cause a god damn earthquake. I didn't want to know what it would be like to make him mad.

After 10 minutes of driving we made it to a hiking trail. He stopped the car in the empty parking lot, and ran a hand threw his hair. "Ready?" He looked over at me.

"For what exactly?" I asked, intrigued. "Are you planning on killing me and dumping my body on the trail?" I teased, waiting for his expression to change some what. But instead he stayed staring at the two split paths in front of us being illuminated by the moonlight and street glare.

"Don't give me a reason to." He uttered, low enough for me to barley hear it. Luca motioned for me to follow him and he walked behind, resting his hand on my lower back. I tried not to think of his touch and focused on the trail ahead of me.

We walked to a couple minutes until I realized that we missed the second flag on the trail and were headed towards the forest opening. I stopped walking and felt myself become stiff. "Luca, where are you bringing me?" I asked again, with more demand and panic in my voice. To be quite honest, he hasn't completely gained my trust just yet.

"Just- you'll see. Come on." He told me, giving me a little nudge to keep walking. We walked till the inning ended and we reached a dark open area.

"Oh my god.."

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