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(Double update!!) Natalie

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(Double update!!)

I walked out of the steam filled bathroom, wearing only a fluffy towel around my frame. I was anxious all last night and this morning as I showered, and got ready for school.

The mysterious letter that came in the mail yesterday, was stuck in my thoughts.

"Next time King won't be there to save you, bitch."

I already took a wild guess and figured out who it could be from: The Dukes. But why wait two weeks? Maybe it was part of the message they were sending my way?

I brushed the thought off for a few minutes, as I took out a pair of leggings and a tank top. The October air was chilly this time around, so I threw a cardigan over the black tank top.

My style was the last thing I wanted to worry about right now. I had to talk to Luca.

I know, I know. "Natalie, how in the actual hell are you going to approach him?" You might ask? Well I have no freakin idea. It was terrifying already as it was, figuring the truth out about who Luca really was. Now all I had to do was approach him, At school... surrounded by people.

I took the letter off my desk, and stuffed it into the side pocket of my bag, so I could show Luca.

Good Lord, Natalie what have you gotten yourself into? I thought, as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed down to my kitchen.

I took an apple from the fruit bowl that was set on the counter along with a small post it note attached to a ripe yellow banana.

Hey Natty girl, you're father and I had an insurance meeting out of town, so we'll be out all day. There's $40 for pizza and snacks. Love you! - Anna

I smiled to myself, as I read the note. Looks like it was gonna be just me for dinner tonight. A nauseating feeling took over me for a quick second, when I remembered the Dukes. I didn't even have work tonight, since it was a Wednesday, so I couldn't work to distract me from my thoughts.

This is gonna be a long day.

-At School-

I walked up to my locker followed my Sasha. My fingers worked the combination on the lock as she filled me in on her family gossip. Sashas family was a heavy bunch to handle, but they were the sweetest people ever. Our dads met at a Home-Depot and the rest was history.

"My mom thinks I need to cut down on the shopping, but she's the one that recommended I donate all my clothes and buy all knew ones." She ranted, flailing her hands around to every motion of her words.

I threw the books I didn't need into my locker and hit it shut, before putting a hand up on Sashas shoulder. "You do you Sash, you're mom should know after 17 years that you're untamable." I shoved her playfully as we walked side by side, to first period English.

As we reached the open door of the classroom, I noticed Luca leaning against the wall outside of the boys locker room, tapping away at his phone. "Hey, I'll meet you in there, I have to run to the bathroom real quick." I excused myself from Sasha, and she nodded, making her way into Mrs. Edwards class.

His eyes darted to me walking over to him and he put his phone into his pocket. "What do you want." It sounded more like a statement than a question. I heard whispers and gasps coming from around me, I forgot that I was the only one who know about Luca and I's encounter.

"Oh my god, is that Natalie Benson and Luca talking?" I heard someone say, walking away scared, while the bell started to ring.

"It's about the Dukes." I began saying. Before I could continue he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me into the surrounding hallway.

If it wasn't under these circumstances I would actually be enjoying being touched my Luca. Okay wow, that sounded better not said.

"For fucks sake, keep your voice down." He warned. Damn it, Natalie where are you getting this confidence from?

"Sorry! I just I need to talk to you." I pleaded, nervously biting my top lip. He let out a deep sigh and rolled his eyes, before taking out his phone sending a quick text to someone.

"Meet me outside at the end of day, in the courtyard." He explained, glancing at the ring on his pinky finger. It was a leather ring with red and gold embroidery. I couldn't help but think how amazing his whole style was.

I wonder if all the other serpents members were as well put together as Luca.

Okay no, let's not go there Nat.

"Okay, I see you then." I shyly smiled, turning around to walk into the class I was now, 4 minutes late to. I heard footsteps following me. "Are you following me?" I asked, looking back at him.

"I'm in this class, Genius." He shook his head and went ahead of me.

Wow, so much for self confidence.

I gave y'all a double update hehe.
What do you think will happen, when Natalie meets up with Luca after school?
Make sure to vote and comment.

(Btw, I'll still be updating tomorrow afternoon, don't worry 😂)

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