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I sat in a leather chair fidgeting with my hands, while both Jax and Luca stood in front of me leaning on Luca's desk.
Luca calmed me down, telling me that all he wanted to do was talk.

The stories I had heard about the Serpents and their reputation for violence and destruction, were both heartbreaking and terrifying. Everyone feared them, but no one had even the slightest clue that everyday at school we walk among one. And he happens to be the King.

"Listen Natalie," Luca began saying. I brought my gaze up to meet his. "Last night after you got attacked, the man I shot was the leader of 'The Dukes'." Even while taking, his expression didn't change one bit, but his eyes told a whole different story.

The amount of times I looked at his eyes was starting to be a problem.
I hadn't heard of 'The Dukes' before, but I'm guessing they're just as dangerous as any other gang.

"What he's getting at is." Jax interrupted. "They saw your face, and they know you know who Luca really is." The Serpents were dangerous as it is, but me knowing who the King is and where he lives, is probably just as bad.

I looked down at my chipped nail polish, and tried to piece all the information I was given, together. I wasn't getting to far at that. "I can't promise I won't tell anyone. Hell, I don't even know who I would tell." I let out a bland laugh.

"I can't make you promise me that." Luca said, signing. "But you should know they're gonna use you to their advantage." I state of panic washed over me once again. I thought about my family, Sasha, her family. I couldn't loose them, not now, nor ever.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, but I would need something in return." I spoke out. If Luca and the serpents could provide protection for my family, then The Dukes wouldn't dare mess with us. It would leave them to sort out their problems with Luca instead, and keep me out of it.

Luca put a hand to his forehead and rolled his eyes. I could tell he was trying to keep his shit together. And I was doing everything in my power to keep mine from falling apart as well.

Jax nudged Luca and smiled at me. Luca looked back at me and motioned for me to continue. "In return, I want protection." I answered. "Provided by the serpents."

Jax's expression went to shocked before clearing his throat and putting a hand over his mouth. "O- Oh." Luca seemed to tense up even more. Was it something I said?

"The Serpents have never-" Luca slapped his arm to stop him from continuing.

"Fine." Luca interjected. Jax looked over at his friend wide eyed that he had excepted the terms. I Just nodded my head, letting out a sigh of some what relief. "Jax will drive you to your house."

I looked over at Jax who winked at me before walking out. I liked the vibe I got from him. He seemed chill and laid back. Unlike Luca who seemed to only ever have one emotion or none; Anger.

-2 Weeks Later-

It had been two weeks since my encounter with The Dukes, and Luca at the mall. When Jax dropped me back home that day, my parents asked me how my night at Sashas was. So I'm guessing that's what they were told.

I was a terrible liar, I'm glad I wasn't the one who had to come up with an excuse. Sasha had just assumed I went home from work that night back to my house, so I didn't have to tell her anything.

Life was going pretty smoothly after that. I had many exams and school assignments to keep me at ease. Currently I was organizing my desk, and getting rid of old papers I didn't need.

Cleaning was a weird habit I accustomed myself to, over the many years and years. After 2 hours I had 3 stacks of paper on my carpeted floor: The keep stack, double check stack, and throw away stack.

"Nice work, Nat." I patted myself on the shoulder and stood up brushing my hands together. As I went to through the one stack of papers in the garbage, a knock came at my bedroom door.

I quickly disposed of the papers and ran to open the door. "Oh hey Anna." I smiled, at my stepmom who stood on the other side holding a Manila envelope.

"Hey, sweetie. You got a letter in the mail." She handed me the tightly sealed envelope. I took it from her examining the return address. "23 AppleHill street." Wasn't that the old firework warehouse?

"Thanks Ann!" I gave her a quick hug.

"Lunch in an hour!" She called out, walking back down the stairs.

I walked over to my desk and plopped down in my chair. Taking a pair of scissors, I carefully tore the seal on the letter. "What is this?" I thought. Was I expecting any letters? I hadn't sent in any college applications yet, so what could this be?

I job at the old firework warehouse? As if.

I slipped the paper out and unfolded it. My heart immediately dropped to the pit of my stomach when I read the big red writing.

"Next time King won't be there to save you, bitch."

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