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(Edited Version

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(Edited Version. Sorry for the confusion!)

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, In an unfamiliar room. The pounding in my head was almost unbearable. I looked around confused as to where I was.

The walls were painted a dark grey and the curtains on the large windows were a similar shade. I shifted my position to see that I had no pants on under the duvet that covered my bottom half. I was wearing nothing but my underwear and a black t-shirt.

"What the hell happened last night?" I thought out loud to myself. I sunk my head down a bit messaging my temples.

"You got in the middle of a gang fight." A deep voice answered. I let out a scream, startled to hear Luca.

Wait, oh no no no. It was that moment I realized that the random bed I was laying half naked on was in Luca Trentino's house. I am never going to live this down, I thought mentally face palming myself.

There he was, standing in the doorway. His hair was wet, and he wore black sweatpants with a loose white shirt.

If I wasn't such an introvert, and if he wasn't a crime kingpin, I would probably make a move. But unfortunately that probably won't be changing anytime soon.

He began walking into the room, and went straight for the bathroom. I followed his steps until they disappeared behind the door.

He was probably going to kill me. No! What about my parents? They're probably worried sick about my whereabouts. God knows how mad I've already made him.

He walked out seconds later holding a glass of water and 2 pills. "Take these." He extended his arm and handed me both things. I happily downed the pills, hoping they would rid me of my throbbing head.

Hopefully the pills were Tylenol and not rat poison.

"Why am I here?" I asked, setting the glass down on the night stand.

"I'll tell you later." He explained, heading back towards the door. "Sleep."

And just like that, the door closed and slowly, so did my eyelids.

My eyes fluttered open again, what seemed like a few hours later, and my head was no longer throbbing. I'm gonna need to ask him what pills he gave me.

Not for the reason you think, calm your titties. I got up and stumbled towards the bathroom, and locked the door behind me. After doing my business I looked in the mirror above the vanity. There was a big bruise on the left side of my head. "Crap." I muttered.

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