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(You cant tell that this gif of Luca, doesn't make your ovaries go into panic mode)

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(You cant tell that this gif of Luca, doesn't make your ovaries go into panic mode)


I anxiously sat in class staring at the textbook in front of me, wishing I was elsewhere. Lunch was still two periods away, and I wasn't so sure I was going to make it.

Also the topic of Jax transferring had me all stressed out. That day at Sals, he told me it would be safer to have himself and Luca around. Safer from the likeliness of the Dukes or Luca's dangerous dad Pasquale, getting to me.

Luca seemed "iffy" about it, and for once I agreed with him. Wouldn't it cook up suspicion, and the fact that Jax could pop in through the door any time was driving me insane to be just be sitting here waiting.

Other than that, Halloween was today, so everyone was hyped, and talking of parties. I of course never got invited to said parties, I was only dragged to them by Sasha. But by the looks of our current situation, I wasn't going to be dragged to one this year either.

Mrs. Hayward slammed her textbook shut, scaring the hell out of me. "Alright class, our test on Organic Chemistry will be next week!" She announced. Science was a pretty East
easy subject for me so I wasn't too bummed out about a test.

"Now for the rest of the period you-" She was cut off by door opening to reveal Principal Jorden, and everyone's heads shot up pretending to be paying attention to the teacher. There seemed to be someone standing behind him, and by the side view of a leather jacket, I knew exactly who it was; Jax.

"Hello Mrs Hayward," Principal Jorden nodded. "We have a new student joining us today, Mr Jaxon Phillips." He moved out of the way to reveal the one and only Jax, in all his glory.

"Oh fuck m-" Addison began gawking, but immediately covered her mouth when the principal shot her a look.

"Well, Jaxon, you can find a seat, and I'll fill you in at the end of class." Mrs Hayward smiled brightly, waving the principal off. Jax was well aware of the stares and whispered catcalls he was getting from girls around the room, but ignored them as he made his way to a seat next to me. Addisons seductive smile dropped when she saw he was looking my way.

"Oh for the love of god." She scoffed and looked away annoyed. I mentally chuckled at the sight of a pissed off Addison.

"Hey stranger." Jax beamed, whispering to me. He looked like a god damn prince in his hugging jeans and leather jacket. I'm guessing all gang members had a similar style. But No one could beat the Serpent king's classic look though.

Wait, why am I thinking about Luca right now? Snap out of it Natalie.

"I'm screwed." I said, leaning my elbow on the table. He gave me a questioning look, observing me deeply. I felt so uncomfortable when he or Luca both did that. It was so confusing. "Everyone's gonna talk, and I'm not really someone people talk about." I explained, emphasizing "talk." rumors were the last thing I wanted right now. And girls to be swooning over Jax.

"If they wanna run their mouths, we'll give em something good to talk about." Jax smirked, turning his attention over to the teacher. I could only imagine what he was gonna do.


Lunch finally came around and I walked into the cafeteria, to find Luca and Jax already sitting together at a table. Girls purposely sat closer to the two boys, showing off their cleavage and busty butts. It clearly wasn't phasing either of them.

I quickly bought a sub and started to make my way over to the boys, when someone called my name. I turned around to find Chelsea: one of Addisons preppy minions, was waving me over.

"Hey Natalia!" She beamed, shooting me a fake smile. I looked around their table to find Sasha, sitting next to Addison herself talking away at whatever gossip they started today.

"Its actually Natalie." I shyly responded, looking back at Jax, who kept motioning me to come to his table.

"Oh, ew" She mumbled. "Well Natalie, you and Jax seem close." She batted her over mascaraed eyelashes his way, before looking back up at me.

"Yeah, we know each other outside of school." Sasha looked like she had something to say, but I ignored it. Well, more like ignored her.

"You should sit with us! Im sure the girls and myself would love to hear more about you and Jax." She motioned for the rest of the table to nod their heads in agreement. All of the sudden I felt a muscular arm around my shoulder, and heard gasps coming from around Chelsea's table.

"Hey babe, come sit with me and Luca." Jax said loud enough for the whole preppy squad to hear. Addisons face dropped along with Sasha and Chelsea. "You looked like you needed some saving" he whispered sideways. It seems like I always do.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Addison exclaimed, with smoke coming out of her ears. "Are you paying them to talk to you or something?!" This caused the whole cafeteria to turn and give us their attention, if we didn't have it already.


"No, but you should, seems like you're a little frustrated." He chuckled and we began walking away with his hands still on my shoulders. "If ya know what I mean." He finished, causing me to let out a laugh.

We got to the table and I sat down next to Jax, opposite of Luca, who seemed to be busy tapping away at his phone. He put it down when he noticed me sit, and his eyes lit up for a quick but the spark went away as fast as it came. "What is it with you and those girls." Luca asked, as I took off the wrapper on my turkey sub.

"Somethings up their ass, always." I sighed, biting into the sandwich. I wonder if Jax had plans for halloween. Probably wouldn't wanna spend it with me. I was the last person anyone ever wanted to hang out with, on special occasions.

"You doing anything for halloween?" Luca asked again. Damn, he was on a roll today.

"I don't really go to the parties, so I was gonna stay home and watch horror movies." I answered, shrugging.

"Oh. my. god." Jax suddenly exclaimed, getting excited.

Luca and I both looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"We should do a Scream marathon!" he beamed, raising an anticipating eyebrow.

"Oh for fucks sake." Luca muttered, getting up and running a hand through his hair. I almost caught a grin from him, but I wasn't sure. Oh the things I would do just to see him genuinely smile at least once.

A halloween movie marathon sounds promising, no?
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