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Song: Snitch - Reyn Hartley

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Song: Snitch - Reyn Hartley



Once again I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen, keeping me from getting at least a few more minutes of decent slumber.

My house was finished with repairs in the middle of November, so I was free to move back in from Jax's house... Finally. Everyday that had passed in that house, Him and Natalie found multiple ways to piss me off with their constant cheesiness. It was haunting, truly haunting.

I had a long day ahead of me. Christmas was around the corner and I could already feel my migraine of the holiday season getting worse and worse every passing day. The two love birds decided that Christmas would be spent at my house, and have moved in for the next 2 weeks.

I threw on a sweatshirt and walked downstairs, to be greeted to my tornado hit kitchen. Cookie dough was smeared all over my counters, and boxes of baking soda and butter packets were sprawled everywhere including the walls. "What the fuck happened in here?!" I exclaimed walking in, to see Natalie and Jax covered in flour.

Natalie looked like she was having a seizure as she laughed hysterically. "We- tired to- bake c- cookies!" She hiccuped in between words. Her radiant smile and big brown orbs did things to me, that shouldn't've been happening. I rubbed my temples and looked down at my feet to see Jax rolling around on the floor.

"What happen to him?" I asked, stepping over Jax, to get to the fridge.

"Luke, you should've been there man!" He called out, jumping back up to his feet. Just as I opened the fridge I felt Jax's hand on my leg hoisting me back down onto the hard marble floor with him. Next thing I knew we were all falling down like fucking dominos.

"Oomph!" Natalie squealed. I immediately threw Jax off of me and scrambled over to her.

"Are you hurt? What happen?!" She looked down at her wrist, flinching when I went and held it.

"Yeah, it's just my wrist I think I fell on it." She held her wrist out for me to examine it being the great doctor I am.

"What happen?!" Jax hurried over to us on the floor. I looked over at him, shooting a glare. He could've broken his wrist.

"You happened, idiot." I snarled, helping Natalie up, who smiled at me sympathetically. To be quite honest, I had been avoiding her for the past month. I didn't have the courage to talk to her, all I felt was jealousy and anger when I saw her and Jax snuggled up all of the time.

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