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Parker's Story 3rd person POV

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Parker's Story
3rd person POV

~3 years ago~

"You pathetic piece of shit!" Parker's father yelled, kicking him onto the cold ground of the alleyway. "You had one job, and you fucking failed!" He repeatedly kicked Parker's ribs and jaw till he was left bloody and numb.

"Go- to- argh!" Parker tried to talk but every little movement seemed to hurt. "Go to hell!" He spat, his father punched his blood filled face once more causing his head to fall back onto the concrete as he blacked out.

The rain began pouring onto the the grounds below not leaving a single blade of grass dry. Thunder sounded and lightning struck throughout Riverside, as the brink of night approached.

"LETS GO LETS GO!" A man yelled running out from the corner of the alley, failing to see the unconscious 13 year old. Another guy ran out from different directions and into the black Range Rover parked down the road. All wearing leather jackets and carrying weapons, knives, and bags of drugs and money.

Parker began regaining his consciousness and noticed the blur of men yelling and running into the blurry black large truck. Parker tried speaking and moving but the pounding of his head and painful state of his entire body didn't let him.

The last guy ran out and started to climb into the drivers seat of the truck when his piercing blue eyes set gaze on a limp, and almost lifeless body laying in the alley. "Let's go Luke, we gotta get movin!" A guy yelled out from the car, as the tall tanned person inches closer to the body.

"Shut up, Reese, there's a unconscious body here man." Luca spoke deeply. Reese seemed to be confused and hopped out of the car and followed his friend to the body.

"Help. Me." Parker managed to say, painfully holding his ribs. He was shivering, his lips blue and his hair drenched.

"Help me get him in the car." Luca instructed Reese who obliged. They carefully carried him to the truck and laid him in the back seat. "Argh!" Parker winced trying to get up.

"Damn, sit down dude you've got atleast 2 broken ribs." Jax warned, as Luca went to the drivers seat and started the car.

When they finally got him to the hospital and cleaned up, Luca and Jax went into his hospital room to see him all stitched up and feeling a little better.

"Thanks for saving me." Parker spoke lowly.

"What's your name?" Jax asked, sitting at the edge of the small hospital bed, earning a glare from Luca.

"Parker. Parker McGovern." Parker answered, not sure of who these boys were. He hadn't seen them at school before that's for sure. They looked young but strong and mature for their age.

"I'm Jaxon and that's Luca." Jax pointed to his friend. Luca sat in the small couch seat next to the bed and looked intently at Parker.

"How old are you?" He asked, running a hand through his damp hair.

"I'm only 13." Parker answered again, his whole body in sharp pain every-time he spoke.

"We're 15 almost 16." Jax added, playing with the ring on his pinky. Luca rolled his eyes at the useless piece of information Jax added and started speaking. His deep voice more than intimidating.

"Do you know who the serpents of Pasadena are?" Luca asked, making Jax's eyes widen at what he just asked.

"Bro..." Jax softly nudged him.

"You guys are part of a gang?" Parker began to feel scared all of the sudden. He knew about how dangerous the serpents really were.

"His father is the serpent leader." Jax added, looking at Luca for approval. He nodded and sighed. "Not for long though." Luca intervened with a evil flame spreading in his eyes and mind.

"Wh-" before Parker could speak Luca began explaining his life to him.

"My father is a real asshole, beat me so much to the point he almost killed me today. I'm running away to train and take the serpents from him." Luca explained. Jax added words along the way.

Parker became uncomfortable and suspicious. "Why are you telling me this?" His eyes widened when he realized something. "Oh my god you're gonna kill me!" He exclaimed trying sit up abruptly.

"No, chill." Jax chuckled at the 13 year old.

"You're gonna join us." Luca smirked looking at Jax who made an "O" shape with his mouth.

"Wait what?" Parker was confused. Join the serpents? His father would kill him!

"No ones gonna hurt you anymore, if you'll have the power to do worse." Luca added, waiting for a response.

"You want me to join a gang?" He was in disbelief. 3 hours ago he was being beaten to a pulp and now he was joining a gang.

"Welcome to the Serpents, Parker." Jax grinned, patting Parker's shoulder, causing him to wince.

"Oh yeah, shit sorry." Jax apologized.

"Idiot." Luca muttered at Jax , pulling out his phone to make a call.

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