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Song - Heartburn - Wafia

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Song - Heartburn - Wafia


"Where the fuck have you been?" I asked, running over to help Luca stand up right. His face and hands were stained with crimson red blood, while his face was covered in deep cuts, gashes and bruises. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach when I looked at his bloodshot eyes.

"I had some unfinished business to take care of." He spoke, clutching his lower stomach in pain. "You're hurt! Come with me." I insisted, helping him walk to the bathroom.

I put an arm around his waist and limped along with him to the corner bathroom near the kitchen. I kicked the door open and sat him on the large vanity. "Stay still." I told him, tightly. I went to the small closet in the corner and took out the first aid kit.

Taking a a clean rag I put it under luke warm water and gently cleaned his face, carefully dabbing away the dry blood and dirt marks. "Are you mad at me?" He asked monotonously, looking at me intently.

"You could've told me to come with." I said, tending to the gash above his eyebrow. "Damn it, okay I'm gonna have to stitch this." I told him, exhaling. He nodded and I got the materials to stitch, and started getting the needle ready.

What a doctor I had become. I mentally face palmed myself and tired to steady my hand. "You wouldn't be able to handle the sight of what was going on." He taut. I finished stitching the cut and threw away the needle. He didn't even feel me doing it, which was expected of him.

I stopped doing what I was doing and looked up at him. "And what exactly was going on?" I asked, squinting slightly at his now cleaned up face. All that was left to do was check out his stomach, which he seemed to have holding since he barged through the door.

He huffed and let his shoulders drop. "Fucked up shit." I felt like he was always trimming around the hedges in whatever we had between us. I had to ask his best friend, about who Luca really was for gods sake! "Stop half-assing everything, Luca!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in defeat. "I'm so tired of being left in the dark with you!"

He lightly scowled at me and nodded his head. "Why do you want to be a part of everything? Huh? I'm trying to keep you safe Natalie, for fucks sake!" He yelled back, not bothering to hold his stomach this time. I felt bad, but I was enraged at the same time.

"But what kind of relationship is this if you don't tell me anything, Luca?" I asked, somberly. I felt my chest tighten when I saw his eyes go unreadable. I hated when I couldn't understand him, it was like being in 1st grade and walking into a senior math class. He mumbled something up himself and glared at his hands not meeting my eyes.

"You think I'm gonna hurt you, don't you?" I said, after a few seconds of awful silence. He looked up and shrugged at me, still silent. "I'm not Francesca, Lu." I said in almost a whisper, making his head shoot up and glare my way.

"What did you just say?" He jumped off of the vanity and I backed away slightly.

"I didn't mean it, Luca I-" He hit his fist on the counter, making me jump. I could feel the color draining from my face as Luca began to speak.

"You're the reason he's fucking dead!" He barked. "Not everything revolves around you're perfect little life, with your perfect little family, and amazing grades, but my life is full of bullshit you don't understand Natalie!" Tears starts to roll down my cheeks as Luca continued to yell at me.

I inched backwards until I hit the hard wall behind me. "I'm a gang leader for Christ's sake, I can't just drop everything and come tend to you when your butthurt over your broken feelings." Instead of more tears building up inside, a new found confidence starting to overcome me.

"Then why did you save me that night?!" I hit his chest, but he barley moved an inch. My fist were speaking more than my words, as I repeatedly hit him. "You-" Hit. "Could've" Hit. "Left." Hit. "Me. To. Die!" Hit. Hit. Hit.

My punches were weak because Luca wasn't phased by my actions, one bit. "You saved me and this is what happened. All because of me!" I cried out. "I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt I swear!" I told him, with my fists aching.

Then he did something I least expected. His rough hands grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into his chest, and I didn't fight back. I felt him heave up and down as I just stood there, rethinking every decision I ever made.

"It's so fucking hard to live like this" His voice broke, and I threw my arms around him embracing every bit of him.

The big bad devil was crying and I felt responsible for getting in the way of things, once again.

"You should leave, you need rest." He said pulling away and wiping his remaining tears with the back of his hands.

"Don't shut me out Luca." I told him, my voice full of emotion I couldn't fathom.

"I'll see you at school." And with that he walked out, holding the burden of Parker, and my perfect little life on his chest.

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