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Entry 15 - April 2nd 2019

It's been 3 months since Parker's funeral. After that day, Jax decided to stay for a while just until things got up and running here on the home front of the serpents.

Luca finally started opening up to me and we've been doing great together. He told me about his freshman year football dreams and how normal his life felt. Even Jax played football which I found pretty amusing, considering how lazy the kid really is.

With graduation around the corner and college apps being filled out, I think I've finally got my life in check.. finally.

- Natalie R Benson

I looked up from my bright blue journal and saw Luca by his closet changing into a T-Shirt. I admired the way every inch of his body had a unique curve and muscle when he flexed him arms to pull the shirt off of his toned back.

"Like what you see?" He teased, looking at me through the mirror. I giggled and shut my journal close and got up to lift the mattress slightly. "Real smart, hiding that thing right in front of me." He leaned against the doorframe of the closet, watching me with an amused expression on his face.

I lifted the sheeted mattress and slipped the book between before putting it back down. "I'm not hiding it." I said putting my hands on my hips. "It's just there for safe keeping." I walked over to where he was standing and he put his arms on my waist pulling me closer.

I met his lips half way, kissing him ever so gently before an overly energetic voice boomed by the front door. "Ugh you two can never get enough of each other, can you?" Jax beamed, scrunching his nose when I turned to look at him.

"Please, you could never get enough of me either, when we were together." I shot back, playfully. Me and Jax learned to be comfortable around each other and both came to the agreement that we just weren't right for each-other at the time. We ended on good terms and he happened to become my best friend.

Jax dramatically put a hand over his heart and stumbled backwards. "Ouch Benson, that hurt my soul." He fake cried, chuckling a little.

"You ready, man?" Luca asked, walking over to him and flicking him on the back of the neck. I looked at them confused. "Ready for what?" I asked, going to stand where they were, at the doorway.

"He's flying back today." Luca said with a half smile. I knew deep down Luca didn't want Jax leaving but it had already been 3 months and Jax's enforcer skills were needed back in California.

"Damn already?" I frowned.

"Well, I'll be back before you know it." Jax smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

Luca was off, dropping Jax at the airport and leaving me in his house with basically nothing to do. I decided to turn on the TV and see if Luca had any good movies, when my phone began to ring.

A selfie of me, my dad, and Anna were on the caller I.D and I happily picked up. "Hey Ann!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Nat, you busy?" She asked. I heard my father in the background yelling at the TV remote to work and mentally laughed at the imagine of his whacking the remote against the table.

"Nope, what's up?" I answered, grabbing the fluffy pillow that was next to me, and placing it on my lap.

I wanted to see if you could ask Luca if he wanted to come over for Dinner tonight?" Wow, I definitely was not expecting that, but go off.

"Oh I-" she cut me off by starting to explain her question, something she did a lot. "Well ya know, he's kinda like your boyfriend now and we really want to meet him!" She beamed through the phone.

"Oh Anna, I don't know. He's really not a family dinner kinda guy." I said, biting my bottom lip in nervousness.

"Just ask him, Nat! You never know, he might like you so much that he'll say yes." She went on.

Was Luca kind of my boyfriend now? We never really made it official, official but maybe family dinner wouldn't be so bad?

Sorry y'all, this is just a filler.
4 more chapters left! 😔
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