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I was discharged from the E.R after, one torturous hour of snitching up my foot. I decided to stay in the waiting room of the hospital, until Luca was out of surgery. It was very life threatening from what the doctors were telling me, which didn't help my anxiety.

I fell asleep for what seemed like 5 minutes, when a slight shake of my arm woke up me up. "Jax?" My scratchy voice asked. My throat was pretty effed up from all the screaming yesterday, so of course that had consequences.

Jax stood in front of me, wearing cleaner clothes than he had on hours earlier, and was holding a small bag. "Hey, how is your foot?." He asked, sitting down next to me.

"I'm fine, Luca's the one who got hit pretty hard by the Dukes." I sighed, feeling pity for what was left of his burning house.

"Yeah, he's a strong guy though. He'll make it." Jax assured me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Here," he handed me the small plastic bag. "I brought you some clean clothes, and filled your parents in on what happened." My heart dropped at the last part of his sentence. I couldn't bare to go home and get lectured on my choice of friends. Not after everything that's been going on.

"Thank you." I smiled, still a little worried about the outcome of what will happen when I get home. "Don't worry, I told them it was a friends house." He reminded me. "I didn't mention anything about the serpents. It's your call whether or not you want tell them." He assured me, smiling softly.

"I probably won't be. I can't have my dad and Anna worry about me more than they already are." I played with the handles on the bag, not having looked inside yet.

"I'll stay here, you should go change. You stink of fire girl." He said, covering his nose trying to lighten the mood. I let out a small laugh and got up.

"Be right back." I said, heading over to the corridor where the guest bathrooms were located. I slipped into a single stall bathroom and locked the door behind me to hear a little *click* sound.

I looked in the bag to find a pair of leggings and an oversized black nike hoodie. I was assuming it's Jax's from the size. I smiled to myself as I washed up and fixed my messy hair.

After slipping on the clothes I got a wave of comfort. Jax's scent of Versace Eros was lingering on every part of his hoodie, as I evened out the hood strings. I put my dirty dress into the bag and slipped on the slides he brought me so I wouldn't have to walk around in hospital slippers.

I admired how thoughtful he was in this situation and just in general. Even though they didn't show it, Jax and Luca has each other's backs. Always. I thought back to Sasha and the day at the mall with her. I wanted to apologize for the I acted, even if I didn't do anything wrong.

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