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A/N: Before you read any further, I just wanted to say that I do not condone smoking at all

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A/N: Before you read any further, I just wanted to say that I do not condone smoking at all. It's just for the sake of the characters and storyline.


I was in absolute awe, at the sight in front of me. A small open field was covered in soft grass, areas with rigid rock, and hills of every flower you could imagine. "Nice isn't it?" Luca asked, staying behind me while I walked forward. "It's beautiful." I gawked, reaching closer, my foot suddenly slipped from under me, causing me to almost fall forward off of the large cliffside I didn't see before.

"Woah!" Luca suddenly grabbed me by my waist and hoisted me backwards making both of us fall onto the ground below us. I fell on top of him in a straddle position, and he held onto my waist tightly. I finally looked away from his eyes and realized how I was laying on top of him. "Shit I'm sorry I-"

He put a hand behind my neck and pulled me down to connect his lips to mine. I hesitated for a few seconds but then wrapped my arms around his neck, giving into the sweet sensation of his touch. He pulled himself up, not breaking the kiss once as he continued to bury his hands into my, making a while damn zoo run while inside of me.

I felt a dark wave of desire start to twist in my stomach, and I told myself that this was wrong. But when I pulled away even in the slightest, Luca slid his hands under my jacket to pull me closer. I heard him groan lightly in the midst of our kiss, sending bolts of electricity shooting through my veins with every touch.

He finally pulled away looking into my eyes with a whole new expression, I hadn't even seen before. It was almost happiness, but it faded into a serious tone as he helped me back up.

"I've been waiting to do that again." He said after a few moments if silence, as we looked over the cliff and into an abyss of dark ocean. The moon gave white creases to the slow passing waves.

"I know." I answered, still not over the little well big moment we had minutes before. He looked over and raised an eyebrow. "I felt it." I smirked, making him conceal his uprising lips and turning back to look at the ocean.

Over time I got used to his presence, even if we didn't always acknowledge each other, it was comforting. I shimmied a little closer to him and continued to look over the view.
"Where did you find this place?" I asked him, as I played with my hands in front of me.

He took in a breath and began to speak. "I used to come here to get away from home sometimes." He explained, pushing his hair out of his face. "It's where I smoked for the first time." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Davidoff, and took out a single cigarette. Before he put it back in a took the pack from his hands and took one out myself.

He looked shocked for a quick second and stuffed the pack into his pocket. "You're a bad influence on me." I mumbled, as he passed the lighter to me, after lighting his own. I put the white stick between my lips and chipped my hands around, lighting it.

"I know." He took a long swig and let the smoke out. I followed his lead but ended up breaking into a violent cough. "Jesus." He mumbled patting my back softly as we waited for me to calm down.

"I'll get used to it." I exhaled deeply, bringing the cigarette back to my lips and taking a slow drag, letting the Smokey taste of cinnamon float into my lungs.

"I hope not." He looked over at me, seriously. "I don't want you to end up like me." He told me, with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"Why?" I asked again, knowing the answer. I had some sort of understanding on how me probably felt. He lead and operated a whole gang for fucks sake. I couldn't imagine being the kingpin behind all that but then again he didn't have much of a choice.

"I've done bad things to bad people." He started, his voice husk and deep.

"That's your job though." I interrupted. He looked over at me again and this time his whole expression was dark.

"The worst part is, I don't regret it. Not one fucking bit." He laughed coldly, and exhaled a long drag of grey smoke.

"I wanna know what it's like to be a ser-" before I could finish that haunting sentence his phone began to ring. He muttered a curse under his breath and answered the call.

"What do you want, Parker?" He spat, angrily. Parker was probably a fellow serpent of his.

"There's someone named Lilly here for you, boss." Parker spoke. Since it was the dead of night, I could hear the other person on the phone clearly. He sounded young, if that even makes sense.

Who was Lilly? I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that the guy called to inform Luca about another girl, while I was out with him.

"Damn it. Let her in and do not let her touch anything." He ordered, and hung up the phone abruptly.

"What's wrong?" I asked intrigued.

"We have to go." He explained, throwing his cigarette into the water below. I did the same and hurried behind him back down the trail.

This better be good.

Oooo new character....
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