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I sense some foreshadowing with that quote

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I sense some foreshadowing with that quote

(Song: Amour Plastique by Videoclub)


We pulled up into the parking lot of a large top notch restaurant, with the name I couldn't quite make out, considering it was in French. Of course I took Italian in school trying to that one girl who stood out, but instead I got a shitload of work and not enough time to do it.

Before I could even look over at Jax, he was already at my door holding it open for me. "Thank you." I said, as we walked into the restaurant. Well more like Jax walked and I tried not to trip over my big ass heels.

"This place is so pretty." I gawked, looking at the glass aquarium walls filled to the tops with filtered water, as all kinds of fish swam throughout the entire restaurant. I felt his hand slyly grab onto mine, when I looked up he acted oblivious to it. His touch was soft, against mine.

"Look down." He smiled, leaning in close to me. I gave him a questioning glance, and looked down to my feet. I was in absolute awe. Crystal blue water was under the glass floors, with other kinds of sea life and fish swimming under us.

"Woah..." I continued to set my vision on one green pigmented fish, as I watched it swim freely around the floor. After a few moments we reached the hostess counter, to get seated.

The hostess looked around 25. She had bright red hair and blue eyes. "Bienvenue! Table pour deux?" She asked... in French.
I looked over at Jax, confused as to what she had said. "I don't understand." I whispered, embarrassed. He simply smiled at me and looked at the hostess.

"Nous avons une réservation, sous le nom de Phillips." My jaw literally dropped. Jax could speak French? Alright, mind officially blown. I looked at him, completely speechless, as the women grabbed two menus and motioned for us to follow.

"Wow Mr. Phillips, I'm impressed." I gushed, playfully shoving his lightly.

"Oh that?" He mocked. "That was nothing. Wait till you hear what I got up my sleeve, in English." He brushed his thumb on the outside skin of my hand, and I immediately tensed understanding clearly what he meant.

"Oh I-" I stammered not knowing what to say to that statement of his. He smirked, knowing how flustered and nervous I was. Damn you, and your witty charms, Jaxon.

We sat in a fancy side table with our shoulders against the fish tank wall. The hostess placed the menus in front of both of us, and smiled. "Une serveuse sera bientôt avec vous!" Jaxon thanked her, I think, and she walked off attending her next group of guests.

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