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Song: Habits - Tove Lo

*Luca definitely isn't doing that 👆🏻*Natalie

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*Luca definitely isn't doing that 👆🏻*

He lightly kissed the side of my neck, his hands fit around my waist. I wasn't sure what was going on, or how I was supposed to react. The smell of jack Daniels lingered on him slightly, when he continued to plant kisses from my neck to my ear. "Luca..." I gasped, turning around to face him.

His eyes weren't the same crystal blue. They were filled with lust and desire. I looked up into his piercing gaze, trying to get the words to speak out but I couldn't think of anything to say. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips, before he started leaning in, pulling me close.

"Wh- what are you doing." I asked in almost a whisper, my breath starting to hitch getting heavier and heavier.

"The problem is," He said putting his forehead to mine, "if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop." I didn't realize until he pulled away that my arms were wrapped around him.

"Wait!" I called finally snapping back out of what seemed like a weird trance. He grabbed the bottle of liquor off the counter, before turning back to face me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I felt almost upset that whatever that moment was, ended.

"You wouldn't understand." He sighed, running hand through his hair. For the first time in my life, I saw Luca Trentino look sad. Not upset, or angry, or hell-fire-raging, but.. Sad.

A part of me wanted to sit down with him and just talk about everything. Have him explain to me what his life was about. But then another part of me thought about how heartbroken Jax would be if I just up and left for a coldhearted monster like Luca.


The rest of the evening past by in a weird blur. I kept thinking and thinking about my moment with Luca, and what feelings he could possibly have for me. It was stupid for me to overthink but what else could l do being trapped in a house with him?

The security system beeped, alerting that somebody had arrived. I put my phone away and walked from the living room to the front hall, to find Jax had come back.

"Hey Nat." He smiled, looking tired from his run.

"Long afternoon?" I asked walking up to him and taking his jacket off. I slung it around my shoulders as we walked into the living room.

"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. We both plopped down on the couch and he turned on the TV, putting the volume on low. "I need to talk to you." He said after a few moments of silence.

Oh no. What if he found out me and Luca's weird kitchen moment? I'm screwed. Shit, Natalie! I should've just pushed him off me when he first started!

"Natalie?" Jax snapped his fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and looked at him worriedly.


"I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He held my hands softly. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, when noticed Luca standing in the entrance, arms crossed with a cigarette in his hand.

"Oh." Be Jax's girlfriend? He was a really sweet guy, and looked out for me. But so did Luca..

"So?" He asked, half-smiling. I could tell he was nervous and so was I. I didn't know if Luca would talk about what happen, but I sure as hell wasn't.

"Yes.. yes I will." I smiled brightly, pulling him in for a hug. I saw Luca at the corner of my eye ball up his fist and walk away.

"Classic." He muttered, rolling his eyes. I heard the front door slam. Damnit. What have I gotten myself into?

Sorry for the short chapter lol
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