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(Major Natalie and Luca vibes from that quote)Natalie

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(Major Natalie and Luca vibes from that quote)

Luca, Jax, and I walked out of school side by side making our way to our cars. "My cars over there." I pointed to the run down Jeep under the oak tree. We were all heading to Jax's house to begin our "Halloween movie marathon" as he put it. I had never done that with anybody, but there's a first time for everything I guess.

"Since we all came in our own separate cars, just meet me at my house." Jax said, pulling out his keys to unlock his BMW. I felt so out of place 'exotic car wise.' In my defense I'm still saving up for a Range Rover, so don't judge me.

We all agreed, and went our separate ways in our cars. Jax had sent me his address so I just followed the GPS.

Pulling up to his house, it wasn't any different than I had expected. It was a modern colonial, in a dark rustic shade. To be quite honest, it fit Jax's personality well. Noticing I was the last one to arrive, I quickly parked my car in the driveway, and hopped out.

Luca was leaning against his car mid-swig of his cigarette, when he noticed he walking towards him. "You're a slow driver." He spoke. Since the first time I talked to him, it felt like his voice had gotten slightly calmer around me. I felt a change in vibe, when he was around me, but I wasn't so sure what it was.

"Well, I'm in no rush to die just yet" I snickered lightly. His eyes gazed over my stance for a few seconds before looking back at the tall trees in the distance. Im not sure why I didn't move. Instead I leaned against his car, falling into a weirdly comfortable silence.

The sound of leaves rustling in the wind, felt relaxing. I forgot about all my nauseating problems for the quick second I leaned back and closed my eyes. I closed my eyes and thought about a future where the serpents were in my lives, and everything was normal. Where Jax and I were happy together. a future where Luca was, well I don't know. Thats when I opened my eyes to find he was staring at me with an unreadable expression.

An expression which exiled so much hurt just by looking into his eyes, but I couldn't possibly know what was going through his head. His eyes glowed like a sunset in hell, and I have an idea, that, that's what they felt like to him too.

"Who knew, having a price on your head would make me so vulnerable." He exhaled, throwing his cigarette bud onto the ground and crushing it with his heavy boot. I threw him with a puzzled face, and backed away from my car.

I suddenly felt upset. Like everything I kept bottled up inside, suddenly wanted to be released. All of these unspoken feelings. "Well maybe if you just talked to me, instead of acting like this big old tough monster all the time." I scoffed, starting to walk up the drive way.

"You wouldn't understand." I heard him say, as he started to walk behind me. I shook my head and waited for him to go in front of me and unlock Jax's automatic security systemic door.

"Well then make me understand." I said, stepping aside so he could put in his fingerprint. He said something to himself and threw the door open, walking into the open area.

Unlike Luca's house, Jax's house felt much more comfortable. People, who I assumed were serpents. We're scattered around the house intervening in conversations. Non of them seemed to mind my presence.

"They know who you are." Luca said, as if he had read my thoughts. "They won't harm you." And with that he walked off into a separate hallway, and disappeared behind a door.

I heard Jax's voice coming from somewhere in the house, and followed the sound to an large beautiful kitchen. It was stocked with glasses of all sorts, and a fridge bigger than my bed filled with every drink known to man.

"Hey! You made it." Jax smiled, walking over and pulling me into a hug. I have in, and wrapped my arms around his tall, strong frame.

"You smell nice." I giggled, squeezing him tight. He chuckled and pulled away to peck my lips with a feathery kiss.

"So I've heard." I rolled my eyes playfully and pulled way to take in the atmosphere of the kitchen. "I've got some news." He told me, walking over to sit on a stool. His jacket was hung on the back of it, leaving him in a white t-shirt and his normal jeans.

Girls definitely fell at his feet. I wonder if there were any girl serpents. Did people have positions in a gang, other than the leader? Those are questions I would have to save for later.

"Oh?" I asked, with a half smile. He grabbed my hands and pulled me a little closer, so he could explain.

"I know we had a plan to watch movies all night and stuff, but something came up, and I have to run out for a bit." He told me, sulking a bit. I smiled and kissed his forehead for a quick second.

"Im fine to wait here if you want." I implied. "Seems like I'm in good hands." The serpents looked like they weren't to bothered with me being here, and besides Luca was the leader so everything would be fine.

"It's only enforcer business, so Luca is staying here with you." He went on. I didn't know how to feel about being alone with Luca considering I didn't know anyone else. I could trust Luca, right?

"Enforcer?" I asked. "What's that?"

"It's my rank, in the Serpents." He answered. So I guess there were positions. Hmm. "Don't be afraid to help yourself to anything in the kitchen." He beamed.

"Alright J." I smiled back.

"I'll be back in 3 hours, tops!" He called out as grabbed his jacket and walked out from the kitchen.

Three hours? That seemed like an awfully long time. But then again I wasn't in a gang so I didn't really know what "runs" were like.

For the next hour I decided to just work on school assignments and such. I figured it would be best to just get it over with now than have to work on it later at home.

As I began to clean up my books a weird feeling arose in my gut. Maybe it was just getting dark and I wasn't used to Jax's house. I brushed it off and put all my books back into my bag.

Out of nowhere a voice spoke out from behind me, making me jump. "Luca, you scared me!" I let out a breath of relief as I made my way over to the sink to wash my hands. It was a weird habit I had after I did my homework, don't ask why.

I ignored his presence until I felt a whisper in my right ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
"I guess it's just you and me for now." He said, smirking against my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

Dun dun dunnn
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