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"Bye babes!" Sasha called out from her car. It was the end of the day and I was exhausted. I got to the driver side door and waved back her way.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I got into my car and started it up. Now that the school day was over, the work day was just about to begin. I worked at Riverside Mall Plaza. It was the main hotspot for all teens and adults. Everyone came to shop, hangout, and get shit done here.

I handled the cash register at a small boutique called "Antonette's Place" I personally would not spend 30 bucks on a shirt there but you'd be surprised at how many people actually do. My shift was due to start at 4:00, so as I pulled into the huge parking lot, I still had 20 minutes to kill.

I did what any other human being with my mindset does, I went to an Auntie Annie's and bought a large cup of cinnamon bites. I walked through the mall until I reached the boutique.

I clocked in and changed into one of black thin strapped jumpsuit I was told to wear. It was free along with other thing I was able to get from the store, all thanks to employee perks. God knows I would never have bought a $200 jumpsuit. It barley covered my ass.

And my ass is definitely one that needs covering. I have always been insecure about my curvy frame but I also need this job. Money was money, no matter what job I had to get to earn it for myself.

The rest of my shift went by at a pretty normal pace. People came and went, purchasing all kinds of overpriced clothing. On my break I even had time to catch up on homework.

Around 9:30 the mall was pin-silent. Antonette's was the only store in the mall to be open this late. I quickly closed up and grabbed my belongings, locking the door behind me. The walk to the exit was normally peaceful and quiet, but all of the sudden an uneasy feeling sat in the pit of my stomach.

I tried to brush it off, but the second I looked down at my phone a pair of hands grabbed me by the waist and slammed me into a hard corner wall, making my bag and phone drop to the ground with a loud crack.

My phone definitely did not survive that one.

Everything was happening so quick I wasn't able to process what just occurred. The man was large and had on a black ski mask. I saw several other people running around the mall, as if they were looking for someone.

A large hand covered my mouth making it impossible for me to scream. "Aw, whats a pretty girl like you doing so late at night in a big mall like this?" The mans breath reeked of cigars and cheap alcohol. Loud voices were coming from everywhere. It sounded like people had broken into the mall.

"Argh!" I grunted snatching the mans arm away, and tried to make a run for it.

"Not so fast, bitch!" He barked from behind me, it felt as his next motion was all happening in slow motion, when the back of his gun came in hard impact to the side of my head. I felt thick red blood trickle down my face, and onto my jaw.

"Let me go!" I screamed, only to aggravate him even more. Just as he was about to bring his fist to my jaw, a loud gunshot rang through the entire mall. The mans loud body fell to the marble ground with a 'thud' I immediately froze putting my hands in the air.

And then I saw him. Luca in all of his glory standing 10 feet away, his right hand at the trigger. Okay, now I actually couldn't speak.

He wore the same clothes he had on earlier, but his hair was messier and his eyes glistened in the dark.

Alright Natalie not a good time to notice what clothes he has on. He started to move closer to look at my face. He wore an angry look, while I stood there unable to move my feet.

"Fuck, you're bleeding." He cursed under his breath. I brought my hand to touch the wound and saw it was completely soaked in a ruby red liquid. "No, no I'm fine." I began to say.

My brain began to fuzz and I started to see stars. "I swear I'm fin.." and then someone switched off the lights, completely.

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