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👆🏻*If that ain't the truth*👆🏻

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👆🏻*If that ain't the truth*👆🏻


I sat in my office, completely drowned in paperwork, as I sipped on whiskey. New recruits were in need of training, and I was the only one around who could the job done.

Every since I took over the serpents, things were going good for my family. My father had returned to live in California, where he continued to run his underground boxing empire, that was passed onto him by my late grandfather.

I downed the rest of my glass and sat back in my leather chair, letting out a groan. My mind had been rather preoccupied lately. After all the useless overthinking and rage full drinking trying to forget, my mind kept going back go one thing. Rather, one person; Natalie.

There was something about her, that I couldn't just shake off. That night at the warehouse when she was with us, she let loose even though she was scared out of her little innocent mind. She went from a perfect little life to getting involved with the Serpents.

It was hard to keep a secret reputation around here, but I couldn't completely trust Natalie. I needed to keep a close eye on her. The second I leaned back and shut my eyelids, the wooden door flew open to reveal Jaxon, of course.

The one minute I need to relax, he has to fucking waltz in. I would normally shoot anyone who did that, but Jax being my best friend gets the pleasure of immunity.
"What." I asked, messaging my temple, trying to keep the headache from coming or getting worse.

"Which shirt?" He held up a blue Versace dress shirt, and a black one. I looked at Jax and then at the shirts. Do I look like Kim K to him?

"Where the hell are you going?" I asked, sitting up and pouring a little more whiskey into my glass. I was gonna need it for what he was about to say.

"Well, my dear Luke, I have a date with Natalie." He said proudly, causing me choke on the crisp liquid.

The second I finally clear my mind of her, there she pops up again. See what I mean? Fuck.

"Where are you taking her?" I got up from my chair and sat on the front of my desk, looking at him.

"It's a surprise." He winked. I rolled my eyes and gave him an answering look.

"You're not bringing me dingbat." I sneered, looking down at my dark timberland boots.

"I'm bringing her to Symphonie Des Mers." He answered again shaking his head with a funny smile. "She's really nice man, I think we really clicked." Yeah I bet you guys did. It's not like I wasn't happy for Jax. I was. But I, of course had an asshole way of confusing happiness with jealousy.

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