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I laid uncomfortably in the god damn hospital bed, for what seemed like ages. The nurses kept walking in telling me I should sleep, but I've been on the phone giving orders to my men for the past 4 hours. It was 5:30 in the afternoon and I was done with this bullshit.

"The insurance company has your house taken care of, all you gotta do it, rest man," Jax spoke on the other line. The cost for damages was around 2 million, including the cars that were hurt down.

Jax and I decided I would stay at Jax's house in the hills for a while, till mine was fully constructed again. I put the phone at my ear, and held it up with my shoulder as I slipped my jeans on. "I'm leaving," I told Jax, putting my jacket on.

I could sense his panic through the phone. "WHAT?! What do you mean you're leaving?!" He asked, his voice going high. I knew the lecture that waited when I got to his house. Probably some shit about how I only got shot yesterday and that I should rest.

Luca Trentino doesn't rest.

"I'll see you in 20." With that I hung up, and ran a hand through my hair. I got up and walked out of the room. The hallways were empty, weirdly but I didn't think much of it.
In a matter of minutes I made it down the stairs and out the exit of Riverside Hospital.

"Fuck." I took my phone out again, forgetting I didn't have a car here. I dialed Parker; one of my trusted serpents.

"Hey King." He spoke groggily. Probably woke him up.

"Pick me up from Riverside hospital. Now." I ordered.
....and here comes the lecture.

"But, you should be resting boss." He said, worriedly. I felt a headache coming on from the number of times people had said that to me today. It's not like I hadn't been shot before. People were a bunch of pussies sometimes.

"I'm on my way." He quickly replied after I didn't answer the last time. I went and stood by the gates to wait, only a young girl and a few elderly sat on the bench.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, to pass the time. I quickly lit it and put the death stick between my lips. I noticed the young girl staring up at me in fear, so I motioned the pack towards her offering a cig.

She violently shook her head and made a gagging sound. "Ungrateful little shit," I muttered under my breath. That's the last time I offer someone something. Kids never really liked me, and I didn't really like kids. So the feeling was mutual.

I never understood how people could have children. Get married? Sure, but what makes people want to raise their own offspring? My father never saw me as anything other than a business kingpin. My brother Malcolm, was always the favorite.

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