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not all of the dreamies will be often mentioned in this ff. they do make an appearance but i won't mention them frequently except for the mains (mains of this ff not the comic)

 they do make an appearance but i won't mention them frequently except for the mains (mains of this ff not the comic)

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"so what are you going to do about the girl?" jeno asks chenle who's sitting quietly across from him. "no idea yet" he replied as he sighed before messing up his hair. "any ideas jaemin?" jeno turned his head towards the boy who's busily playing on his phone.

"just make her your servant or something" jaemin replied as his eyes kept focusing on his phone.

"tha-" "that's perfect" chenle cut jeno off as he stood up from his sitting position

jeno shook his head at the boy before playing his guitar that's placed in their hideout

"waddup losers" the hideout's door flew open as 2 boys walked inside. "where were you guys?" chenle questions the newcomers as they took their place in one of the sofas

"just somewhere" donghyuck shrugged before munching on the food on the table, "where's jisung and renjun?"

"jisung's at his club and renjun i don't even know" mark replied as he grabbed the guitar from jeno before playing a song. "renjun left with his girl-friends" chenle scoffed at the mention of those girls

"nabi is seriously annoying" chenle muttered before pulling out his phone to play a game, "hey don't call my best friend annoying" donghyuck argued which only got a glare from chenle

jaemin's ears perked at the unfamiliar name, "who's nabi?" his question got stares from all of the boys. "you don't know nabi?" jaemin winced at how loud their voices were

"am i supposed to know her?" the rest only facepalmed at him,

"she's one of the famous girls in our school"
"nah she is the famous girl in our school" jaemin furrowed his brows at their answer

"can't be that famous if i don't know her"
"you don't know anyone jaemin" donghyuck retorts

"and weren't you there during chenle-saeron situation? she literally made chenle mute" jeno laughed,

"of course, she learned from the best" donghyuck flipped his non-existent long hair

"shut up the both of you" chenle clicked his tongue out of annoyance before a smirk crept up to his face,

"didn't nabi said you and her aren't best friends?" chenle mockingly said to donghyuck which got him annoyed, "i'm seriously going to make you mute"


nabi roamed around the school's library trying to find another book for her to read. she passed the romance aisle before stopping at the fantasy aisle. she scans the fantasy books on the shelf until her eye catches a book, which its cover was interesting.

just as she was about to grab it, suddenly the loud noise came back which made her frozen

and out of nowhere, she's back in the classroom again. nabi gasps before looking around frantically. "nabi, let's go to the canteen" dohee's loud voice from the door startled her,

"damn why are you so loud?" nabi rubs her ears as she felt herself getting pulled to stand up, "sorry-" she giggled before continuing, "were you searching for me? i saw you looking all confused all of the sudden and looking around like a crazy person"

nabi stopped rubbing her ears before turning to dohee, she was contemplating on telling her what's been going on to her these days but nabi thought now's not the right time so she gave her a small smile, "maybe?" before running off



nabi and dohee arrived at the canteen, just in time before the special menu 'dried squid' runs out. the special menu only comes up once a month, and the chef behind the food always serves it - oh did i mention the chef was handsome?

"we're just in time, let's hurry and wait in line" nabi nodded at her friend before quickly running towards the line of students waiting to get their food.

"is the dried squid still many?" nabi nodded as she eyes the special menu decreasing bit by bit. "it's still enough for us" dohee sighed in relief before grabbing their plates

as nabi waited in line, she can't help but get herself lost in her thoughts.

'what was that sound?'

her thoughts broke off from a small nudge from the student behind her, "o-oh sorry" she walked forward to get her food as she mutters,

"i need to find out what's going on"
"it kinda sounds like a slate being hit? but what does that mean?"

she tilted her head in frustration before thanking the chef in front of her and walked away

not noticing that the chef heard her mutters


"yah choo saeron" the said girl stopped in her tracks before turning around to see chenle walking towards her. she quickly became alerted so she fixed her composure, "y-yes?" she mentally cursed for stuttering but chenle could care less about that

"from now on.." saeron waited for him to finish talking, chenle contemplated on following jaemin's suggestion or not but in the end, who knows he can get to know more about this girl

because for a fact, choo saeron intrigued him

"you have to be my slave" saeron's mouth went wide opened at what he said, chenle mentally chuckled at the girl's expression

"you have to carry my bag, get my food during lunch, whatever slaves do" saeron was about to reply until chenle cut her off

"you can't say no, because this is the only way for you to repay what you've done to my uniform"

'okay that's a bit lame' saeron wanted to say that out loud but she doesn't wanna fight so she only nodded.

"you'll start tomorrow" then chenle left her. saeron immediately crouched down in despair. she exhaled heavily before standing up slowly.

a sudden realization came to her which made her facepalmed, "why didn't i ask until when?"

a sudden realization came to her which made her facepalmed, "why didn't i ask until when?"

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wonder who's the chef? ohohoho

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