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"it's your story, love. feel free to hit them with a plot twist any time you want"

nabi slowly fluttered her eyes open as she felt a lot of movement around her

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nabi slowly fluttered her eyes open as she felt a lot of movement around her. when her eyes were finally opened, the movement stopped

nabi looks around to see a doctor beside her as well with two nurse and her parents. nabi wanted to speak up but her throat was really dry which the doctor noticed

"nabi? can you hear me? if you can blink once" nabi blinked once as her answer which made the people in the room beamed in joy

"do you feel any pain around you? or does anything hurt? if yes then blink once if no blink twice"

nabi blinked twice as the doctor scribbled all of the information before gesturing the two nurses to help her sit up

"here drink this" one of the nurses passed her a glass of water which nabi took gratefully. she slowly drunk the water as she felt fresh with all of the dryness gone

"what happened to me?" nabi managed to speak with the most quietest voice possible but thankfully, the doctor heard her

"you got surgery for your heart which was successful. and then you went to a coma state for 5 months. it's a miracle that you woke up this fast, all of us - the medical staff are overjoyed with your awakening"

nabi's eyes focused on the doctor, junhyung. she remembered him saying that she'll be alright and seeing how she's awake after a successful surgery joyed her very much.

"thank you jun o**a. i'm sorry for doubting your skills before" nabi wore a sheepish smile as junhyung only smiled awkwardly before nodding his head at the female.

"we'll send you some food to eat in a moment, if nothing's bothering you then we will leave you some privacy with your parents"

nabi bowed her head back to the medical staff before they leave the room. her parents immediately went over to her side

her parents took turns in hugging her as the married couple felt a wave of relief washing through their bodies from her daughter waking up after 5 months. nabi wasn't any different, she warmly hugged her parents as she also missed them. but of course, she also missed her friends and most importantly.. her husband

"thank god, you finally woke up" her mother cupped her cheeks as she felt tears of joy on the verge of breaking out. nabi noticed her mother's glistening eyes and only lightly chuckled

"you're gonna make me cry" the married couple laughed at nabi's joking manner. "our little butterfly is finally awake" her father kissed nabi's head as he adoringly stroke her hair

nabi passed her parents a wide smile before a sudden thought crossed her mind. she slowly straightens her upper body as she scans the room. her mother noticed her flickering eyes which puzzled her.

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