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i literally forgot when was this book set in, like idk what month lmao stupid old me

also in the last chap, nabi's watch beeped and i will let y'all think what jaemin did to nabi hehe ;)

also in the last chap, nabi's watch beeped and i will let y'all think what jaemin did to nabi hehe ;)

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"how about 11 weeks from now?"
"the date for your surgery nabi-ah"

nabi's brows furrowed at the word 'surgery' - a frown was visible on her face which junhyung noticed so he wore an assuring smile as he said,

"we'll know for sure when we get the checkup's results but if you are to have surgery then let's do it during that time"

'no i don't want to have surgery... i'm all fine..'

"we'll discuss it with your parents so you only need to eat well and don't skip your medicines, okay?"

nabi purses her lips before nodding hesitatingly at his words. junhyung outstretched his hand out to gently pat her shoulder

"don't worry too much nabi, i'm sure you'll be alright"

'i hope so'

just then the familiar noise was heard by nabi's ears and she immediately took a deep breath as she relaxed her body since it was all tense from the situation earlier. junhyung rose a brow at her sudden change of manner

nabi noticed his stare so she replied with a small smile before scooting closer to his desk, "i'll be alright right? if i die i'm gonna blame you jun o**a"

[a/n : idk if i wanna put the o-word there or not lmao]

junhyung flinched back when nabi suddenly raised her finger - pointed towards him. he let out a small laugh when hearing her cute threat before shaking his head in amusement

"well i assure you my surgery skills are quite well, you need to help me as well nabi-ah" nabi hummed in meaning for him to elaborate his words

"if you stay healthy by taking good care of yourself then i'm sure we don't have much to worry about the upcoming surgery" nabi leaned back as she nodded at his words

"oh by the way nabi-ah" nabi craned her head to face junhyung as she hummed in response. "jeno's been telling me that your watch keeps beeping during class, is everything okay? or is the watch broken?"

nabi's was in deep confusion until realization dawned upon her. she recalled the times where her watch kept beeping from jaemin's sweet words and actions towards her. recalling those events made her face flushing red which went unnoticed by nabi but not by junhyung

"nabi? are you okay? your face is really red" nabi's hand immediately went to cover her cheeks as stutters left her mouth, "u-uh i'm f-fine" she began to lightly slap her cheeks to compose herself

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