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i just rebleached my hair welp

chenle stared at the ticket he's currently holding as his eyes went to the words 'NEW YORK' and sighed heavily

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chenle stared at the ticket he's currently holding as his eyes went to the words 'NEW YORK' and sighed heavily. his mother secretly bought him a plane ticket to follow his brother who's managing their company's branch that's in new york and he can't say no or else, saeron's life is in the line

not that his mother mentioned anything about saeron but his guts told him to just follow his mother's words so all will be well. he absolutely hates to be told what to do and being forced to do something he doesn't like but for saeron, he'll do it

he placed the ticket inside his wallet and decided to approach the girl. he slowly walks up to her seat, the girl noticed a figure near her and when she saw it was chenle - she immediately stood up and was about to walk away but he got a hold of her wrist first

"we need to talk"
"i have nothing to say to you"
"well i do and please hear me out, i already heard what you wanted to say yesterday so please give me a chance to talk too"

saeron sighs before nodding and flicked his hand off of hers, chenle pursed his lips at her manner before taking a deep breath.

"i don't really get what you mean of people getting the wrong idea of us and i don't care if you don't feel the same because i will keep fighting for you until you've decided to open up your heart to me"

saeron's breath hitched at his words as she felt her heart soften at what she just heard but she quickly composed herself. "but if you do feel like i'm bothering you then i will back down because i don't want to inconvenience you, but saeron-ah.."

"do you really mean what you said yesterday? that i annoy you?" chenle hoped that she would say 'no' because he knows she doesn't feel that way but who knows maybe deep down she does.

saeron's eyes flickered around as she tried to stop the tears from coming, "chenle-ah.." she was surprised that her voice hasn't cracked yet because she was actually trembling, "i don't deserve you... i'm really sorry"

and just like yesterday, she left him again


"stop crying, you look even prettier" the girl raises her head and was to be faced with a smiling boy, she quickly wiped off the tears as she cleared her throat repeatedly

the male took a seat beside her as he sighed heavily. "you're method of cheering people up is kinda lame" the boy only laughed lightly before giving her a cheeky smile

"but did it work though?" she only shrugs before leaning to her seat as another sigh left her lips. "but a smile on you makes you beautiful, so you better keep on smiling saeron-ah"

"even when it hurts?"
"hmm?" saeron purses her lips before calmly replying,
"should i keep on smiling even when i'm hurting on the inside?"

the male turned silent as he tries to think of a reply and without their consent, a familiar noise came back which meant the stage just finished.

"yes, it's better to keep on smiling even when you're hurt because you can't show everyone your broken side saeron. it's really dangerous if you do, you don't know when people will take advantage of that"

"if you want to break down, it's best if you do it in front of someone who will lift you up again - not someone who will pull you even more down. i can be that person for you saeron, you said i'm your guardian angel right?"

saeron let out a small smile before nodding towards the male, she hummed as she shocked the male with her next few words

"i remembered clearly calling you my guardian angel so that means you will stay with me right?"

jeno was shocked between the fact she remembered calling him her guardian angel during the shadows and her asking him to stay with her. but what came out of his mouth was, "y-you remembered?"

"remembered what? calling you my guardian angel? i just said i remember jeno-ah" she frowned at the silent male beside her, she was confused on why he sounded so shocked

"i .. just thought you'll forget about it but anyway, don't worry i'll stay with you" he gave saeron his famous eye smile which of course, made her smile widely too

behind his smile, jeno was actually deep in thoughts. he's confused with how different saeron is acting these days

'does saeron have her ego now?'

that thought never left his mind and made him trouble sleeping, he wanted to ask the girl badly about it but he didn't know how to start the topic. he considered on asking nabi to help him but he heard she's hospitalized right now

'i'll ask her for help after she's back'


a few days have passed and nabi finally came back to school. she walked through the hallway and went inside her class. usually, she would see the dreamies making a ruckus inside the classroom but she was surprised to see them talking normally together

coincidentally, they were huddled up near her seat so nabi went to her seat and sat down before turning to her left to question the boys. but first, she eyed who was present and she was confused to see a few figures absent

"oh nabi's here, hi nabi~" donghyuck was the first to notice nabi's presence immediately waved happily at the girl, nabi only nodded at him as she wore a small smile. "where's the rest of you?"

"renjun is with dohee, don't know where they went though" mark calmly replied as he tried to push a clingy donghyuck away from him. "jeno said he'll be late" donghyuck shortly replied before whining at mark who's facing away from him

"chenle said he doesn't want to see saeron.." jisung pointed at the said girl who's busy arranging the stuff on top of the teacher's desk before sighing as his mouth turned into a pout, "i wanted to accompany him but he said he wanted to be alone"

nabi wanted to coo at how cute jisung's looking right now but she was waiting for their last answer of the last figure who they haven't said,
"what about jaemin?"

nabi stared blankly at jisung while his brows were knitted until realization hit him then a small "ah~" left his mouth as he wore a sheepish smile

"we texted him but he hasn't replied yet, you should try texting him too nabi" that was the last thing jisung said before his phone rang, he answered the call and immediately left the room with only answering "chenle" from donghyuck's question, "where are you going?"

nabi fished out her phone and was about to text him until she noticed something

1 JULY 2020

the realization came to nabi which made her stand up abruptly, she immediately grabs her bag and left the room

"yah where are you going?" now it's mark's turn to ask but the difference with donghyuck's earlier, mark didn't get a reply

"yah where are you going?" now it's mark's turn to ask but the difference with donghyuck's earlier, mark didn't get a reply

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