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i honestly dk when this book is going to end lmao

"why are you avoiding me?" nabi cursed mentally at herself when she got caught by jaemin

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"why are you avoiding me?" nabi cursed mentally at herself when she got caught by jaemin. ever since their sudden date at the vintage shop, nabi has been running away from jaemin because of his little action that flustered her ten times worse than usual

"i-i uhh.."
"is it because of the kiss?" nabi's eyes widened at the sudden mention of the word 'kiss', she immediately covered his mouth as her head turned side to side to see if anyone overheard him - totally not caring the fact that she leaned forward to him making jaemin able to see her red face really clearly

"yor fes iz wiri ret" jaemin's words were unclear as his mouth was being covered by nabi's hand, "what did you say?" nabi turned her head to face him but flinched at how close they were.

jaemin's eyes wrinkled up at seeing how cute nabi was, nabi felt jaemin's lips turned to a smile behind her hand. "yor fes iz wiri ret" nabi's forehead wrinkled as confusion was written all over her face until she realization finally dawned upon her

"o-oh" she quickly uncovered his mouth as she awkwardly put her arms behind her back while jaemin only let out small chuckles out of his mouth. "i said your face is really red, looks cute though"

nabi's hands shot up to cup her cheeks as she then gasps at how warm it was, another flutter came to his heart which made jaemin outstretched his hand to stroke nabi's hair adoringly

" was it because of the kiss?"
jaemin leaned forward since nabi's reply came out really small, well that's because the girl is still shy.

"i didn't hear you" jaemin then tucked a hair strand behind her ear which made nabi's heart flutter at the simple action

nabi noticed jaemin's face leaning closer than before which made nabi nervous so she decided to look elsewhere as she felt she'll melt if she meets his eyes. "u-umm... you didn't ask for permission yesterday.."

jaemin chuckled before turning nabi's head to face him with his finger under her chin,
"then can i kiss you now?"
"sur- wha-"

jaemin decided he still wanted nabi to breathe so he only placed a gentle kiss on her forehead but nabi being the weakling she is, a smile crept up her face with her heart racing very fast

"ugh what did i just witness?" both teenagers turned to the side to see a disgusted jeno with a shocked donghyuck by his side.

nabi became extremely shy when she realized they were seen so she buried her head to jaemin's chest and raised his blazer so she can cover her face from the two boys near them. because of the height difference between them, jaemin looked down and can't help coo silently at how adorable nabi was

so he wrapped an arm around her shoulder to cover her more before rolling his eyes at his friends. "y'all are just jealous"

jeno scoffed before pouting as he decided to look elsewhere, "no need to rub in it, i know i'm single.."

while donghyuck was still in shock as his hands moved up to cup his face before saying, "hOW DID I NOT KNOW YOU GUYS WERE TOGETHER?"


saeron had cleaning duty so here she is, cleaning the hallway with her broom. as she was busy sweeping the floor, she didn't notice that there were three girls heading her way with mischievous smiles plastered on each of their faces

heemi patted both of her friend's shoulders as they already know what to do. raeha and weolyu fastened their pace and when they were about to pass saeron, they purposely bumped their shoulders to her making saeron stumble and almost lost her grip of the broom

"yah watch where you're going" raeha scolded as annoyance laced her tone. "saeron-ah, i think you need some glasses" weolyu stepped forward and pushed saeron's shoulder harshly

saeron's eyes turned cold as she stared at weolyu angrily before throwing the broom towards her direction harshly making the three girls flinched back. weolyu gasps as her eyes screamed fury at saeron

"you did not just do that"
"i just did" saeron calmly shrugged before sighing heavily as she placed her hands on both sides of her hips.
"i'm really confused about why you guys like bullying me so much"

just as heemi was about to talk back, saeron cut her off with saying, "is it because i have less money than you? or.." saeron's eyes traveled to each of the girls' eyes as she felt the corner of her lips inching upwards making a smirk on her lips

saeron slowly crossed her arms to the front of her chest as the smirk never left her face, "is it because chenle likes me?" the three girls expressions were baffled which made saeron scoffed

"pathetic" saeron muttered as she went past in between them. saeron continued to walk as she kept cursing at those 3 girls in her head, she made a left and stopped in her tracks when she saw a familiar figure in front of her.

the two teenagers locked their eyes together with no sounds came out of their mouths, just silence. remembering what just happened minutes ago made saeron annoyed again since this figure is the main reason why she's hated throughout the school

saeron averted her eyes elsewhere while the figure's eyes went down to a certain item on her body. his brows were furrowed at the new shoes she's wearing, it looked very brand new by how clean it is. but what caught his attention wasn't the new white shoes, it's the butterfly drawing

he knows it was hand-drawn and he can't help but think it was badly drawn but if it was saeron who drew it then he's taking back his thought. saeron's brows were knitted as he followed his gaze to her shoes

she felt weirded out so she looks up again and took a deep breath before starting to walk again. she past him without saying anything which saddens the male but remembering their talks from before - he couldn't complain

hearing her footsteps that are getting nonexistent made the male sigh as he looks up with frustration written all over his face. he's sincerely serious about his feelings for the girl and he's certainly sure that his mother had something to do with her words towards him and sadly he hasn't had a chance to ask his mother

but since he's finally back after a long week in new york to manage his family's company, he can finally make time to question his dear mother

'i'm not backing down easily'

'i'm not backing down easily'

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