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im still angry with wattpad even though i can put the fancy fonts back on

"what song is this?" saeron asks jeno who is busily strumming a song on his guitar

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"what song is this?" saeron asks jeno who is busily strumming a song on his guitar. the two were sitting on the rooftop, their usual hang out spot

"goodbye summer" saerons nods before nodding her head to the beat as a smile was worn on her pink lips, "i like this song, can you sing it?" jeno stopped strumming before locking his eyes with saeron as he wore an awkward smile

"i uhh.. can't sing hehe sorry" he chuckled awkwardly but saeron only nodded as she waved her hands around in front of her face. "it's okay, hearing you playing the song is great as well"

jeno then continued his strumming as the smile couldn't leave his lips. a few minutes passed by and jeno stopped playing his guitar and he put it aside. he stared at the blue sky as a memory ran through his head

"i really like the sky"
"its color is my favorite, blue. every time i look at the sky - all of my sad thoughts disappeared"

jeno sighs before calling out saeron's name, "hmm?" saeron turned her head to the side so she can face jeno but the latter was looking up to the sky and she noticed the sad smile he was wearing which bothered her

"can you do me a favor?"
"what is it?" jeno looks down before turning his head to face saeron, he stared momentarily at her curious face which looked pretty in his eyes

"can you please remember this moment?" saeron tilted her head slightly as she was confused about what he meant but the desperation in his voice didn't go unnoticed by her. nowadays, every time they were hanging out together, jeno always seemed down in her eyes even though he tried to hide it.

saeron wanted to ask what's troubling him but she felt like she's in no position to ask that, it might be a private matter which can't be told easily to just anyone. she cares deeply for jeno and she meant it when she said jeno is her guardian angel

she remembered clearly what he said that day

"i guess i can only be your guardian angel... guardian angels always protect their person from afar which is perfect for me since i will always be right behind you as you walk through your life"

for some reason, she disagreed with his words. hearing him say he will always walk right behind her just sounded so wrong in her ears, it was like she hoped for him to be the one who will walk beside her throughout her life

"i don't know if you can remember this or not but i hope you do.." jeno continued his words when the girl stayed silent still deep in thoughts.

"if you do remember this... please tell me, it will give me hope" jeno gave her a sweet smile despite how downhearted he felt on the inside. he wanted to be with saeron but he knows he can't and that's killing him slowly by slowly

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