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[the swimming pool is in another building but apart of the school]

[the swimming pool is in another building but apart of the school]

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"should we have a swim race?" hyunjin exclaimed loudly. class 12a just finished their swimming lesson, well not actually a lesson - it's more like a free period where they can choose to play any sport they want but the whole class has to participate in it. earlier they had a voting session between dodgeball and swimming but in the end, swimming had the most votes.

"loser buys ice cream for the whole class" jongho said which made all of them agreed excitedly. since they are all rich, buying ice creams for 25 people wouldn't hurt any of them

"so who are the competitors?" chani's question made all of them turn their heads side to side as they waited for someone to speak up. it was all silent until a voice spoke up, "i'll do it" chenle raised his hand as he made his way out of the girls surrounding him

"then i'll be the other competitor" another voice hollered out as he slowly approached the center where chenle is. "okay so it's between chenle and jeno" seungmin clapped his hands once as the other students cheered loudly, especially the females.

the two competitors eyed each other, one threw a glare while the other wore a smug grin. for sure, everyone felt the tension between them. but the tension made it even more thrilling so the students were ecstatic

besides those two, each of the boys' fangirls are also death glaring the other. chenle's fans stood behind him as they sent threatening looks towards jeno's fans but of course, the other side also threw intimidating looks.

saeron cheered silently towards jeno with her fists pumping upwards slightly, jeno gave her his sweet smile which chenle noticed. saeron noticed chenle looking at her with an annoyed face so she stopped cheering and put her arms down as she looked around awkwardly

"i won't go easy on you" jeno took a step forward towards chenle. "you sound like you have been going easy on me" chenle also took a step forward before rolling his eyes away and went to his springboard

jeno let out a low snort before going to his springboard. the students, especially the females cheered loudly as they took off their shirt and went on their springboards. chani decided to be the referee and stood between the two males

"one, two, three, GO"

as soon as the whistle was blown, two males leaped forward into the water and started their race. the rest cheered loudly for their competitor of choice, almost all of the boys covered their ears on how loud the girls are as they kept on screaming


it was a tight race between them, they were swimming at the same pace which made it harder to see who will win. the two males were already on their way back to the starting line and out of nowhere

the fire alarm went off

all students jumped from the loud noise and began to panic. nabi was also one of those who were panicking, all of the students gestured each other to go outside of the building. the sweet thing is that the male students prioritized the female students to go out first

but one female got caught and fell into the pool from all of the students pushing around her. thankfully, a figure saw and immediately jumped into the pool too


nabi slowly opened her eyes and blinked repeatedly to get used to the brightness inside the room. hearing the familiar machine beside her and the familiar smell, she knows exactly where she is right now, her usual hospital room. she felt her hand being held so she knows she's not alone right now.

she looks to her left and was surprised to see the person. the figure's right arm was out as it was holding her hand while his left arm rested on the bed with his head resting on top of it, nabi doesn't know if he's sleeping or not so she decided to whisper out his name with the smallest voice possible


nabi's voice came out hoarse and really small since she was sleeping earlier but the male heard it, he had difficulty sleeping but tried anyway. the said male immediately shot his head up and locked eyes with the sick girl

"you're awake" he leaned forward as his hand kept holding hers.

"are you hurting anywhere? do you want me to call junhyung hyung? do you ne-"
"i'm fine jaemin"

nabi was surprised at how worried he's being right now, it's very new to nabi but she liked it. she gave him her most reassuring smile and he was hesitant to believe her but he nodded and relaxed his self

"i'll help you" his hands moved to her shoulders as he helped her to sit up and not forgetting to use the remote to straighten her bed so she can lean back comfortably. "here" he gave her the water the nurse prepared earlier which she took and gulped it down

"how long was i out?"
"5 hours? i don't really know but it was really long" nabi nodded as she stared at the glass she's holding on her lap now.

"you can't swim nabi. why did yo-"
"i was pushed"

jaemin was surprised by her answer, he let out a small "ah~" awkwardly before muttering an apology which made her chuckle. "were you worried about me?"

nabi's question made jaemin stiffen. he used to never care about nabi at all but these few weeks, he started to think about nabi a lot - like has she eaten? is she hurting at the moment? is she okay? does she have trouble sleeping at night? those questions kept appearing in his mind every time when he's showering, he's about to sleep, he's eating, he's playing soccer, basically every second every day

he never hated her, he just disliked her a little bit. because she reminds him of his mother, birth mother. that's why he's mean to the girl, he knew he was harsh but back then, he didn't care if she's hurt or not but now

he does. he has decided to change his acts towards her, he wants to make up for all of his wrongdoings and he knows it won't be easy for her to forgive him but he's willing to try.

jaemin nodded as he wore a small smile, "i was"

jaemin nodded as he wore a small smile, "i was"

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well well well 😏

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