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i just spent a day reading norenmin fics and my heart i- i honestly dk how im still alive

"did you break your stone yet?" dohee asks nabi who was unpacking her clothes at their room

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"did you break your stone yet?" dohee asks nabi who was unpacking her clothes at their room. nabi hummed in response suddenly feeling down from the topic. "with jaemin?" nabi's hand halted from grabbing her shirt before slowly hummed again

"what's wrong? did he do something?" dohee sat up from her previous position with her face filled with worry. nabi stayed quiet until she finished unpacking, she stood up before turning to face dohee

"it's no big deal. don't worry bout it" dohee narrowed her eyes at nabi as she was unconvinced by her words. "lies" nabi shrugged before jumping to the bed which made dohee bounced

"are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" dohee's voice was really soft as she gently patted her friend's head. "yes i-" nabi gasps as another vision came through

the vision was at night time - during their trekking activity, first she saw jaemin's figure from behind walking through the forest then she saw herself crouching under a tree as she cried from fear and then a figure approached her.

'who was that?' 'wait why was i crying? i was alone so i guess i got lost?'

her mind can't remember the last figure's face, but she's certain that it was a male. "yah what's wrong? you're scaring me again" dohee stared at her friend whose face looked so shocked a while ago but it turned confused now

nabi turned her head towards dohee before shifting closer. "dohee-ah" the said girl only gestured nabi to continue what she has to say

"would you believe me if i say i can see the future?" dohee stared at her blankly before dropping a hand over her heart as she gasps dramatically.

"nabi can see the future?" nabi didn't notice her mocking tone so she only nodded with a happy grin, "ye-ow what was that for?"

"i'm telling jeno to get your meds changed. you're getting crazy now" nabi heard dohee's last sentence even though it was murmured. nabi rubbed her forehead from dohee's flick before sending a glare towards her

"bit-" "what did you say?"
"nothing." nabi turned over and grabbed her phone. she opened the map's app and tried to memorize the camp's whole map which includes the forests as well

"might as well prepare for it" nabi muttered as she scans the map with her eyes - forcing it to be printed in her head

"are you going to memorize that?" dohee was bewildered by what nabi is doing right now.

"what for?"

nabi craned her head to the side before saying, "it's no use telling you since you're going to forget anyway" and faced her phone again - continuing to memorize the map

"she's literally weird" dohee shook her in disbelief at her friend, "i'm texting jeno about that meds change, she needs it"

"i can hear your loud insults choi dohee"


it was already night time and all of the students gathered outside to do draws to pick their partner for the upcoming trekking event. some got lucky being partnered with their crush, some got partnered with someone they've never talked to, some got partnered to their enemies

"where's nabi?" renjun asks dohee as they walked together towards their teacher who's guarding the bucket filled with secret numbers inside of it. "i don't know"

"ah renjun and dohee, here to draw your numbers?" mr. byun greeted the two teenagers as they neared him. "hi sir" dohee happily waved at him as renjun bowed his head

"here, pick your numbers" mr. byun gestured them to the bucket beside him. both teenagers stuck their hands in and dohee was confused until realization hit her,

"y-yah that's my h-hand" dohee's face was flushing red when she felt her hand being gripped by renjun's, "ah really? sorry" renjun cheekily grinned at her before releasing his grip on her and grabbed a random paper and pulled his hand back

dohee was flustered so she quickly drew a paper and quickly opened it. "oh that's the same number as mine" renjun pointed out as he took a peek at her paper. "wait really?"

dohee turned her face to look at renjun but was surprised to see how close their faces were, renjun nodded and showed her his paper. "number 23" he gave her a sweet smile before grabbing her arm

"come on" renjun dragged a still flustered dohee as they passed jeno and saeron.

"wanna open it together?" jeno asks the girl beside him and she nodded. they both counted one to three before opening their papers at the same time

'17' '19'

jeno's smile left his face as he was disappointed that they're not partners. just then a hand grabbed saeron's number. both of them turned to the side to see chenle

jeno had a scowl on his face when he saw chenle, "you said you were tired"
"i am" chenle raised his head from the paper and gave a smug grin to the other boy

"but now i have a reason to join" he held up his paper that had the same number as saeron. jeno mentally rolled his eyes

'the odds of having your crush as your partner is only possible if the writer made it'

"come on saeron" chenle grab saeron's wrist and tug on it so she'd start walking. saeron turned around quickly to give a small wave towards jeno before disappearing in the crowd. jeno sighed as he heard the familiar sound

"i guess my stage just ended" he muttered before leaving. not noticing nabi who was staring in the distance from the start

"i guess i'm not the only pathetic one here" nabi mutters sadly before smoothing down her shirt, "i guess it's my turn now" she heads towards wherever jaemin is

jaemin was sitting inside one of the tents all alone until two of his fangirls approached him. "jaemin-ah" the girls called out to him as they kept pushing the other to get close with him

"what's your number? is it 10?"
"no, i bet it's 8" the two girls kept bickering as jaemin threw them an unamused look, "it's neither though"

the two girls stopped bickering and looked away in disappointment plus embarrassment. "move over" the two girls got pushed aside as nabi stepped in

"what the hell nabi?"
"the heck you doing?" nabi gave them a smug grin before showing her paper to them, "he's my partner" the two girls were baffled but nabi didn't care

she then showed jaemin her paper, "your number is 2 right?" jaemin didn't reply and slowly opened his paper

and nabi was right, the both of them are partners

and nabi was right, the both of them are partners

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yas nabi claim ur man

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