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it's been 23 chapters but we've just reached the 6th episode in the drama >_<

"oh no he fell down""i'm more concerned of the cake""me too, it's all ruined now""how reckless can that waiter be?""should i scoop it up?"

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"oh no he fell down"
"i'm more concerned of the cake"
"me too, it's all ruined now"
"how reckless can that waiter be?"
"should i scoop it up?"

whispers went around as they were shocked by what just happened. the waiter ended up with a sprained ankle but honestly, most were worried for the now ruined cake. nabi's eyes widened as her body froze from the shock, she wasn't shocked that the cake fell but she was shocked that this was different from the continuity

instead of chenle saving saeron, it changed into jaemin saving her

she felt jaemin holding her securely, not loosening at all. she slowly looked up to see jaemin staring to the crowd seriously before speaking up,

"i would like to make an announcement" his voice was loud for the entire place to place their attention on him. all eyes snapped towards him and waited for his next words.

nabi's eyes widened even more at what he just said, 'it's like the continuity'

nabi's heart raced as she felt really nervous because she felt like she knows where this is going. she was only hoping that what jaemin will say next isn't what she think it is

jaemin looked down and made eye contact with the surprised girl, his face was straight but still looked handsome which made nabi's heart flutter. he never broke eye contact as he said.

"from now on, kwon nabi is the only girl for me"


"i like you"

saeron looked down as she wore a smile before replying, "i like you too jeno... we are friends". jeno snorted at her words, he also gave her a smile even though he was serious

"we're friends because that's the writer's decision, but this... me liking you is my decision" saeron's smile fell down upon his words

her brows were knitted as she stuttered,

"n-no we shouldn't do this.."
"why not?". saeron shot him an expression that looked like she was scared

"i-it feels wrong" jeno didn't concern the girls words and gave her a comforting smile, "it's okay, take your time to know how you feel"

"how i fe-"
"saeron-ah" she raised her head and flickered her eyes to meet his.

"please remember this moment" saeron was confused on why jeno looked so sad, what he just said sounded so desperate - like he was begging her to not forget about what just happened

"saeron" a sudden voice joined the two. jeno turned around and instantly the smile left his lips, "chenle-ah.." saeron didn't know why she felt so torn between the two males

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