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"what are you doing here?" doyoung asks confusedly at jeno who suddenly came skipping inside the kitchen giddily

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"what are you doing here?" doyoung asks confusedly at jeno who suddenly came skipping inside the kitchen giddily

"to see you hyung" jeno gave the elder his famous eye smile as he handed an ice cream he just bought earlier. "eh? thanks but i'm straight" he took the ice cream as he backed away from the younger

jeno rolled his eyes before brushing him off, "i didn't mean it like that in the first place and besides.." he pointed at the comic book laying on the table beside him

"i actually came for this" he took a seat and opened the book. doyoung sighs before opening his ice cream and started to eat it

"i really wanna get close with saeron but the writer won't let me" jeno pouted as he flips the pages.

"it's no use talking to her if it's during the shadows"
"well you are a supporting lead.."

jeno threw him a displeased look, "yeah i know.. a supporting lead's job is to be cupid for the leads" he muttered blankly.

doyoung pursed his lips at the younger and decided to comfort him, "just hope saeron will get her ego soon" jeno shot him a curious look before asking,

"how do you get your ego?"

"that i don't know.. how did you get yours?" jeno shrugged which made doyoung facepalmed at him, "see you don't even know how you got yours"

jeno continued to read the comic book until he got into a scene that shocked him. "e-eh? n-nabi's t-terminal??" he shot a surprised look to doyoung and only hoped it wasn't true

sadly, it was true as doyoung nodded his head slowly.


nabi's watch beeped, a reminder for her to take her meds. she pulled out a pouch from her bag and took out all of the meds, which is a lot.

nabi sighed as she stares at her desk that's filled with her meds, "why are there so many of you.." she muttered as she took one of her meds and consumed it then drinking water after

just as she was drinking her water, a hand holding strawberry milk appeared and put the beverage on her desk

nabi turned aside to see jeno with a sad look plastered over his face. "thanks? what's the occasion?"

jeno took a seat beside her before puffing his cheeks as he replied, "i just want to buy you something you'd like.." nabi was confused at first but then she knew what he meant so she let out an awkward smile

"ah~... i guess you've seen.. the book" nabi tried to not set the mood down so she gave him a warm smile, "thanks jeno"

jeno's face still looked really down and out of nowhere he started to sniffle and fake cried, "what are we going to do?.. you're going to die nabi-ah" he wailed dramatically and nabi only stared at him with a blank look

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