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double update whoop

double update whoop

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nabi was shocked.

"y-you do?" jaemin nodded with a sweet smile plastered on his face. "i know i was really mean to you and i regret it.." jaemin spoke slowly before reaching his hand out to hold hers which of course made nabi's heart skip a beat.

"from now on... i'm going to change myself and treat you better, just like how i should.. you will give me a second chance to redeem myself right?"

nabi was stun by his words, like really stunned. you know those moments when you were just too shocked so your mouth just went wide open and your eyes were just big and round like those kitchen plates, yea so basically nabi is just looking like that patrick star meme where he was screaming the whole time

"nabi?" nabi shook her head as she snapped out of her previous state and cleared her throat awkwardly. "y-yes?" she mumbled a curse under her breath from her stuttering but jaemin only lightly chuckled

"did you hear what i sa-" "i heard you.." she diverted her gaze elsewhere as she feels like she would melt from the way he's starting at her right now. jaemin noticed the faint blush on her cheeks which he found cute

"so what's your answer?"
"huh?" jaemin inched closer to hear her response but nabi leaned back since he was too close and she felt like her heart will jump out of her chest. jaemin didn't care at how small the gap between them is so he stayed where he was and locked his eyes with hers as he anticipated her answer

nabi took a deep breath before blurting out her answer, "i said sure" jaemin stayed silent before a sudden big smile crept up his face which made him even more charming in nabi's eyes.

(ᶦˢⁿᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ ʷʰᶦᵖᵖᵉᵈ)

"thankyou. i promise i won't let you down, ever" jaemin quickly pulled her into a tight warm hug, not that tight though since he doesn't want to hurt nabi. he wrapped his arms around her waist as he rested his chin on top of her head. at first, nabi's hand stayed still on her lap but then she slowly wraps it around his body as she snuggled into his chest

nabi knows this isn't a part of the stage so she only hopes, na jaemin will keep his promise.


"wasn't that a scene?" jaemin joked as they entered nabi's room, yes her bedroom. a day has passed and nabi's back into her house and she just had dinner with her parents, jaemin's father, and jaemin himself.

it was a pure stage filled with talks about their partnership as well as their children's wedding which will happen as soon as they graduated which is in 3 months, yes that quick.

"do you like the gift?" jaemin asks as nabi put down the paper bag she was holding earlier, "it's cute" jaemin got her a fancy purse, not that much into nabi's liking but she didn't have the heart to decline. she prefers simple and casual things despite how rich she is, she doesn't like the gold and glamour life but she's grateful for everything she has

"lies" nabi shrugged before replying, "a bit too fancy" now it's jaemin's turn to shrug before casually sitting on the bottom part of her bed.

"the writer made me buy it" nabi nods as she went to her vanity and sat down

"i didn't notice you were wearing make up" jaemin said as he was in awe at the sight of nabi wiping her face with the make up wipes. "i only put on a light amount" she replies until she felt a hand gripping her wrist

she didn't notice jaemin had walked over to her and now is holding her wrist, "i wanna do it" he wore a soft smile as he took the wipe out of her hand. nabi stayed still as she felt him wiping the excess make up on her face gently

"you don't really need make up.." he murmured as he kept on wiping her face gently with nabi's eyes gazing into his concentrated ones. "there, beautifully natural" jaemin averted his eyes onto hers and was surprised to see it already looking at him

they both didn't notice a minute has passed as they kept on staring at each other until nabi finally snapped out of it from realizing what he just said to her, "t-that was cheesy" she jokingly push his chest before taking the now dirty wipe and throw it into the trashcan underneath the vanity

jaemin bit his lip as he tried to hold a smile from coming out before looking away until a certain item caught his attention.

"you still keep it"
"huh?" nabi followed his eyes from the mirror until it landed on an item placed on the table in front of her

"this is yours?!" nabi picked up the thread bracelet that was given, well more like placed on her wrist when she woke up in the infirmary a few months ago

jaemin nodded as nabi wore a disbelief look,
"huh? h-how?"
"you passed out in the hallway so i carried you to the infirmary and i left you that" he pointed to the bracelet in her hand as nabi stare at it again

"i thought you'll search for me but i guess you forgot" jaemin unknowingly pouted which made nabi a bit flustered since she found the sight cute. "a-ah~ sorry" nabi awkwardly scratches the back of her neck

"it's okay" jaemin wiped off the pout and replace it with a sweet smile before taking a step forward and took the bracelet out of her hand. nabi's eyes followed his actions as he wore the bracelet on her right wrist right beside her watch

"i want you to wear it, it's special to me"

"i want you to wear it, it's special to me"

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