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quick question, who did u imagine nabi as? like who's her faceclaim

quick question, who did u imagine nabi as? like who's her faceclaim

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3 weeks later

it was a new day, a new morning. the sun was already shining brightly giving light to the earth with a fresh breeze passing through the air making a few leaves fly away from the branches and soon fell to the ground gently

nabi arrived at school earlier than usual. only a few students were already in school and nabi's sure that none of her friends are one of those students so she decided to roam around before going to her class

nabi's feet took her to a garden at the center of the school where a big oak tree was planted, nabi stopped in her tracks when she felt the sunlight hitting her right in the face. her eyes squinted as she raised an arm upwards to cover the light with her open hand

she stood still with her hand raised as she let out a small smile from the beam of light. just then, another hand showed up and placed it right beside hers, covering the light much better

nabi was a bit startled even though she didn't show it, she slowly turns around without moving her raising hand. she turned around to be faced with a smiling jaemin

"good morning" his voice came out velvety as it was deeper than usual, nabi guessed it was because it's still early in the morning. nabi lowered her arm and waved at him as she wore a wide smile

"morning to you too" the two kept on standing still while giving the other a sweet smile. the male suddenly leaned back and opened his arms out wide. nabi rose a brow at his action - acting like she doesn't know what he's hinting when in fact, she does

"your arms.. okay there?" nabi pointed at his arms as she wore a fake worried expression, jaemin being jaemin - obviously, knows about her great acting so he only clicked his tongue in annoyance before grabbing one of the girl's arm which made her clash straight to his chest

nabi's head landed on his chest with a light thud as his heartbeat was immediately heard by nabi. he wrapped both of his arms around her petite body as he rested his chin on top of her head

"morning hugs are always essential and... i'm sure you're supposed to be hugging me back" nabi chuckled when she heard him whispered his last sentence to her ear, nabi gave no response and only wrapped her arms around his waist as she snuggled deeper to his chest

the two stayed there in each other's embrace for a good 2 minutes until a cough broke their moment. the two hugging teenagers turned their head towards the direction of the voice and were to be faced with a judging renjun and dohee

"really? early in the morning?" dohee crossed her arms in front of her chest as she shook her head at the couple,
"i'm most utterly disgusted, get a room at least" renjun commented as dohee nodded her head in agreement

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