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idk how to write wedding scenes help.
do know this is apart of the stage

nabi walked inside the room with her father's hand in hers as they walk through the aisle with guests on her right and left

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nabi walked inside the room with her father's hand in hers as they walk through the aisle with guests on her right and left. her eyes flickered around to meet each and every one of the guests. she tried her best to not laugh at the sight of a teary-eyed donghyuck with mark trying to calm him down

she also met eyes with a certain older male who passed her a warm smile which she returned. she was happy that doyoung was apart of this stage

then her eyes went over to her bridesmaids, dohee and saeron. they pass her a smile as she caught dohee secretly mouthing 'smile' to her which nabi complied to

her eyes flickered to the male who stood in front of the altar. nabi badly wanted to laugh at how shocked his face was, she recalls saeron saying that his jaw will probably drop ten feet under and nabi can see, he's close to doing that

soon enough nabi reached the altar. nabi's father guided her hand into jaemin as he nodded his head at the younger male which he replied with a bow. nabi faced her father and gave a chaste kiss on his cheek before facing jaemin

"i must say, you look extremely gorgeous" he managed to whisper to her ear as they walk towards the priest who was waiting for the couple. "i can say the same for you too" nabi whispered back as they shared a sweet smile together before facing the priest

"we are gathered here to witness and celebrate the uniting in a marriage of na jaemin and kwon nabi"

a few minutes passed by and it's time to exchange their vows.

"na jaemin, do you take this woman to be your wife? to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"i do"  jaemin never broke eye contact with nabi as he said those two words and it seems like nabi couldn't look away either, his eyes were too mesmerizing

"kwon nabi, do you take this man to be your husband? to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"i do"  jaemin's smile grew wider at her words which made nabi also smile

" now, please repeat after me - the groom first"

"I, na jaemin, take you kwon nabi, to be my wife, to have and tohold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, insickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"I, kwon nabi, take you na jaemin, to be my husband, to haveand to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, insickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

then it continued with the two exchanging rings. nabi's heart skipped multiple beats when she had to slip the ring on his finger. she didn't know that jaemin's heart also beaten rapidly when he had to slip the ring on her finger

"by virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of our country - south korea, i now pronounce you husband and wife"

nabi's heart beaten even more rapidly, she felt like it would jump out of her chest any moment. she felt impatient with the priest's next words because she knows what's next. and when she waited, she felt a familiar pain in her chest

the priest turned to jaemin and calmly said, "you may kiss the bride"

jaemin smiled and gently pulled nabi closer. nabi ignored the pain in her chest and leaned closer to jaemin as he also leaned forward until there was no gap between them as their lips met. during their kiss, nabi felt she couldn't breathe but knowing what's coming,

she continued the kiss as tears started to pool in her eyes. suddenly, she felt the pain shooting through her head and her grip on jaemin immediately loosen which alarmed the male. he felt her lips trembling as they were pressed on his which made him confused

he wanted to pull away but nabi forced him to stay put so the male opened his eyes and was surprised to see a tear slipping out of nabi's closed ones.

knowing she couldn't hold any longer with the pain throbbing in her chest and head not to mention, her severely uneven breathing. she pulled away from the kiss and cupped jaemin's cheeks as tears ran down her cheeks

her glistening eyes met with his scared ones, she didn't want him to be scared so she started to gently swipe her thumb on his cheek repeatedly as she continuously whispered out 'it's okay'

suddenly felt like there was almost no air in her lungs and before her time would run out, she managed to give a pained smile as she whispers out

"i love you na jaemin"

and then her body gave up as she fell down to the ground

and then her body gave up as she fell down to the ground

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so... is anyone crying? or just tearing up?

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