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hi hello!

okay i will explain what happened in the last chapter. but first, yes this book is inspired by the drama 'extraordinary you'and the webtoon 'how i found it in july' but like what i said in the 1st chapter

it wont be a 100% the same because i added my own ideas to this, and this explanation - this idea came from my own pea sized brain so yea

prepare yourselves my friends, *inserts drumroll noise*

so the whole comic world thing was fake, it was only a dream

so.. you guys still with me? okay

so yes, nabi suffered from a heart disease and she did get surgery but then she went on a coma state and that led to her having a long dream about her living in a comic world

*inserts explosives noise*

^ that plot twist was planned from the very beginning

so that's why her parents were confused on who jaemin was because they never met him. thankfully, nabi caught on and finally realized it was all a dream

which made her had a mental breakdown for a few hours until she finally composed herself

she brought some stuff as in people, traits, etc from the real world to her dream. like the male doctor (junhyung), her sickness, her parents, and her love for animation

so yea in the last chap, it was said that nabi took animation as her major bcs she loves animation so much right? her love for animation kinda led her to have a dream where she lived in a comic world

but what surprised her more is that her dream had some unfamiliar people in it and those unfamiliar people are people she hasn't met in the real world before she had the dream .. such as jaemin and saeron (those two are the only ones nabi has met in the real world - after the dream)

you guys know the saying, our dreams only consists of people we've met right? or if u dont isokay

so yeah, her long dream had some people she has never met before

so i guess you can say, she met saeron and jaemin through her dream first before actually meeting them in the real world

thats why when she met saeron she was shocked to see her looking exactly the same as the saeron in her dream

just like how she was puzzled to find a familiar keychain and she became shocked to see a familiar name, na jaemin

her husband from her dream

also, she didn't forget about her long dream - it was like it's printed into her mind. a year has passed and she still remembers it clearly

"it's your story, love. feel free to hit them with a plot twist any time you want"

^ i put this as an opening for last chap, its like a hint for all of you that there's a major plot twist in this book

btw the chapter dedicated for the leads aka saeron and chenle... i made it bcs the book was ending and i want them to settle the tension between them by making them being honest with each other

saeron already talked to jeno truthfully about her feelings after she talked with chenle thats why in the study session chapter she said "i've already talked to the both of you"

i didnt write a scene for that bcs jeno-saeron's scenes were already a lot

so yeah, i guess that's the explanation but if you have some questions - dont be afraid to ask, i'll gladly answer them :))

- i have two facts abt this book-

1. i made this book bcs i wanted to make a book where the male lead had a character development like from being mean-cold to a legit soft boi

and coincidentally after that, i was scrolling through ig and i saw a post like a behind the scenes from the drama (extraordinary you) and voila manhwa was born hehe

and in order to have a character development i decided to use baek kyung as the lead instead of haru THATS WHY ... theres not a haru here hehe sorry guys :((

but that doesnt mean i dont ship him with dano, i totally ship them

2. i imagined the three girls' friendship (nabi dohee and saeron) like the three girls' friendship in ateen (a web drama)

like.. nabi is doha, saeron is kimha and dohee is boram but that doesnt mean theyre traits are exactly the same but they just kinda match idk

such a shame though i finally gathered them only at the end of the book :((

also idk if i wanna write a second book for this or not because school's starting on monday (even tho it's still online classes) and im sure i'll be a bit busy and im also working on my other book so yeah

idk i have the time or not but i'll try to think a plot if it's possible :))

anywhale, that's it for manhwa

once again, i'm really sorry if this book didnt turn up the way you hoped for but i'd be really happy if you appreciate my hard work for this :))

once again 2.0,
thankyou so much for 4k ❤️. idk what else to say other than THANK YOUU

makasih, gracias, merci, 고마워, 谢谢, salamat, danke, grazie

and idk what other language i can think of lmao, me = dumb b

don't forget to ask me if you have any questions!

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