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i made a stage divider hehe. please change your background mode into white for better quality of certain pictures in this chapter

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"we are inside a comic book"

nabi cracked a grin - remembering the chef's words earlier, "oh wait what's his name again?" nabi tried to remember her name but failed repeatedly, "wait he hasn't told me his name"

nabi shrugged before snuggling to her covers

"if we're in a comic book, i'm probably the main character right?" she muttered before snorting

"of course i'm the main character. i'm rich, kinda pretty but money can fix that, smart, the boys love me, what else can i even mention" nabi chuckled before another thought came to her head

"but there's also a chance that i'm not the main character" she sighed before changing her thoughts again

"nah, i'm sure i'm the main character" that was the last thing she said before drifting to dreamland


"who are you going to give your cake too?" dohee asks the girl behind her. "hmm i don't know yet, what about you?" dohee grinned before replying,

"for yours truly" nabi chortled when she saw dohee pointing at herself

"why did i even ask.." nabi muttered before eyeing the cake in front of her

during cooking class, all of the students made a cake - it can be given to anyone or for yourself like choi dohee right here

"is that for me?" a voice made nabi raised her head up, "nah, i'm sure it's for me" another voice said.

"who the heck are you guys? obviously it's for me. i'm her best friend duh"

"shut up hyuck" nabi chuckled at what mark said, "it's true though, right nabi-ah?" donghyuck smiled cutely at the girl but she only replied with a wicked smile

"no" and cue wailing donghyuck,

"who is it for nabi-ah?"
"i don't know yet jeno" a sudden idea came to her head. her loud exclamation made the people around her smiled at how cute she was

"how about we share hmm? none for hyuck though" the said boy wailed even louder which made nabi laughed,

"nah, i'm just joking. you can get one as well hyuck" "rEALLY?!"



"hmm, i wonder why there's no scene for me yet. aren't i the main character?" nabi muttered to herself, "yah why are you not eating?" dohee nudged nabi who's lost in her own thoughts

"h-huh?" dohee shook her head at nabi, "stop dozing off stupid" just then the loud noise struck again

"h-huh?" dohee shook her head at nabi, "stop dozing off stupid" just then the loud noise struck again

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